Chapter Twenty Two

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Song of the Chapter: Nobody Can Save Me by Linkin Park

There was a month left until the day that Dean was supposed to die. She didn't want to accept that Dean was going to die. She wanted to blame John for Dean even getting the idea of selling his soul to save Sam, but Skyla would've been devastated if Sam would've stayed dead, so she didn't have too much she could actually really argue with.

Since the days seemed to go by faster and faster, Skyla tried to stay as close to Dean as often as she could. She didn't want to be away from him for long periods of time. Being away from him made her scared that he'd disappear when he wasn't around, and she'd never see him again. The idea of that happening scared the hell out of her. She was absolutely horrified that she was going to lose him when she wasn't around him.

During the time that her wrist was healing, Dean was constantly at her side. He didn't want to leave her on her own when she couldn't do things completely on her own. She was having issues, and it was almost obvious for everyone that seen her, especially when she was trying to cook for herself or do anything other than sit and read. Dean sometimes had to help her shower whenever she was in too much pain or was too tired to deal with the pain the shower caused for her wrist.

As she was healing, Dean was making sure that she was always careful. He was scared that she would trip and fall again. He and the others were still under the assumption that Skyla had fallen and broken her wrist. Nobody but Skyla knew exactly what happened. Bobby didn't even seem to know, considering he didn't notice that there was a car in the salvage yard that was quite destroyed because of Skyla.

Once she was healed, Dean made her promise to be more careful. When he wasn't completely secure with her promise, he warned her that he would have her make an hourly check-in when he was out on a hunt if she didn't go with him. She made sure her promise was secure after that, since she didn't want to have to remember to do an hourly check-in with Dean, when he didn't have to do that with her when he was on dangerous hunts.

What Dean didn't know until later, was that Skyla refused to let Dean go on hunts without her once so much time had passed. When he only had three months left to live, Skyla made the decision that she wouldn't leave his side, even on the most dangerous hunts. The only time he'd be without her was when it was absolutely necessary, such as when he was in the bathroom, or when he had to do an interview with a witness or a relative alone.

As time grew closer for Dean's inevitable demise, he began to grow more upset with life and with himself. He blamed himself for a lot, including the fact that he and his wife still lived with Bobby, instead of finding them a place to live on their own permanently. Well, Sam would most likely live with them, since neither Dean nor Skyla wanted to leave Sam on his own. Sam had lost too much, and he didn't need to be alone.

"I should've got us a nice house," Dean commented,"maybe one with a few bedrooms, and maybe a dog."

"Dean, it's not your fault. Honestly, I'm happy where we are. I'm happy with everything we've got, and I don't want anything better. I love you, and I love being with you anywhere we are," Skyla said,"Besides, once the day comes..." She held in her emotions as best she could,"I wouldn't be able to stay in the home alone without you. Sam and I, we wouldn't be able to stay without you. You're a huge part of my life, you're my husband, you're Sam's brother, and we wouldn't be able to handle living somewhere that you lived with us and bought for us."

"Promise you don't hate me for not doing more?" He asked, causing her to smile.

"I would never hate you, even if you made my life a living hell," She answered,"I love you for who you are, Dean Winchester, and there's not a thing in the world or a person in the universe that could make me think any less of you."

Dean showed Skyla as much affection as he could as often as he could. He didn't care if there was a billion people around, or if nobody was around. She was going to know that he loved her with his whole being. He wanted to make sure that once he was gone, she'd never question, even for a second, if he loved her as much as he said he did. She knew he loved her, but he wanted her to know forever.

Bobby took a few pictures for the two of them, so then Skyla would have memories she could keep forever. Truth be told, there was a small inkling in Skyla that thought about burying Dean with one of the pictures. She wanted to still believe that there was a chance she could save him, but if she couldn't, she was going to make sure he had a picture to always remember her.

"I love you, Dean Winchester, and I will always love you." Skyla murmured, as she laid with Dean, mentally tallying off another day of his life.

"I love you, Skyla Winchester," Dean replied, placing a kiss on her forehead,"You'll always be my world."

Skyla seemed to hold Dean tighter and tighter as each day passed. She felt like if she held him tighter, he wouldn't leave her. It wasn't her fault for subconsciously thinking that, but she couldn't stop making her mind think that. She was too scared of the loss that seemed to be inevitable...

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