Chapter Thirty Three

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Song of the Chapter: Leave Out All the Rest by Linkin Park

Skyla knew something was wrong with her, but she didn't say anything. She simply kept a smile on her face, as she watched Dean hold his newborn daughter. It was absolutely adorable, and Skyla loved watching Dean be so gentle with the newborn.

"What are we naming her?" Dean asked, looking over at his wife.

"Malina," Skyla replied,"Malina Winchester."

"Her middle name should be Sky." Dean commented, causing Skyla to smile.

"You think?" Skyla asked, and Dean nodded with a grin.

"I should go get Sam. He's waiting outside, and Bobby might be with him." Dean said, making Skyla nod in agreement.

"Just lay her in the baby bed," Skyla commented,"that way it'll be more of a surprise when he, or possibly they, see her."

Dean walked out of the hospital room, and once he was gone, Skyla hit the button for the nurse's station. She hoped that the nurse would arrive before Dean, otherwise he would know that there was something wrong with her. Unfortunately though, the nurse arrived barely a minute before Dean.

"What's the problem, Mrs. Winchester?" The nurse asked, as she walked into the room.

"Something is wrong with me," Skyla replied,"I'm feeling light headed, exhausted, and I'm telling you, something is really wrong, not just my body recuperating from giving birth."

"Let me talk to the doctor, but I should be able to get you a few tests and scans ran today." The nurse replied, at the same time Dean walked in the room with Sam.

"Tests and scans for what?" Dean asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Just routine to make sure her body is healing." The nurse answered, kind of telling him the truth.

The nurse left after excusing herself, and brought Sam further into the room. Sam had a big smile on his face, and it only grew when he seen little Malina in the baby bed next to Skyla's hospital bed. He walked over to the baby bed, and he reached in and rubbed Malina's little hand.

"You can hold her." Skyla commented, causing Sam to grin.

Dean picked up Malina, and placed her in Sam's arms. Sam was huge compared to Malina, but it was adorable. He was like a giant holding a tiny doll, it was funny a little bit.

"Bobby was called off for a case with Rufus, but he'll be back tonight to meet Malina." Dean said, and Skyla nodded silently.

"Sam," Skyla caught his attention,"Dean and I talked, and we were hoping you'd agree to being Malina's godfather." She commented, causing Sam's eyes to go wide.

"Are you serious?" He asked, and they nodded,"Yes, I'd be honored to be her godfather." He replied, and both parents smiled.

"Dean?" Skyla called for his attention,"You're gonna be a great father. You're gonna be her best friend, and she's going to love you more than anyone in her life. I'm proud to call you her father, and I adore you both, and love you so much." She said, causing his eyebrows to furrow.

"Why are you saying this?" Dean asked,"It sounds like you're saying goodbye." He commented, and he watched her frown.

"I love you, Dean Winchester," She stated,"please be all you can be and never give up. Please remember that I always knew you'd be a perfect father, even when times are hard."

"Sky--" He cut himself off, when he seen the tears in her eyes,"I promise I'll never forget, and I love you, too, sweetheart." He said, causing her lips to form into a smile.

Skyla laid back against her pillow, watching Sam rock Malina, while Dean spoke quietly to him. She felt her eyes growing heavy, and she was beginning to feel exhausted. She smiled at the sight of her family one last time, before her eyes closed, and everything went black.

Skyla's body began to convulse, and alarms began to blare. Malina started screaming from the loud sounds, and nurses and doctors rushed into the room. Dean was freaking out over his wife, since he didn't know what was going on. He thought she was getting better, but it seemed she wasn't.

"Get the baby out," A nurse told Sam,"and you two please wait with her. We'll take care of Mrs. Winchester." She added, as she tried to carefully push the three out of the room.

Dean paced back and forth, as Sam finally got Malina to stop crying. He tried to pray to Castiel, but the angel was either ignoring him or busy, and Dean was pissed. Minutes passed, and Dean was becoming very worried. He knew something was seriously wrong. Barely two minutes later, a nurse came out of the room, followed by a doctor.

"Mr. Winchester," and instantly Dean's heart plummeted to his stomach,"Mrs. Winchester suffered a major seizure, and we believe she also suffered an aneurysm at the same time. After her seizure finally stopped, we tried to wake her up, but Mrs. Winchester didn't wake." The nurse explained, giving Dean a sad frown.

"Mr. Winchester, your wife is brain dead," The doctor stated,"she's on life support right now, but that's the only thing keeping her alive. I advise saying goodbye and pulling the plug, otherwise she'll be in her vegetative state until you decide to take her off life support."

Dean simply walked passed the doctor and nurse, went to Skyla's bedside and grapsed her hand in his. A sob left his lips, knowing she was gone, and she was only suffering until he decided to pull the plug.

"I'm so sorry I didn't see that something was wrong," Dean cried,"I love you, sweetheart, and I promise to always love you. I'll tell Malina about you all the time. I promise to always love her and raise her like you would've wanted. I'm going to miss you so much, and I promise you won't be in pain anymore after today."

Sam entered the room a moment later with Malina. He laid Malina in her baby bed, before he went to his brother and pulled the man into a hug. Dean cried for a moment, before he pulled away and wiped his eyes. He had said his goodbyes, even though he didn't want to. He couldn't let her suffer any longer, though he knew his heart would suffer without her...

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