Chapter Twenty One

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Song of the Chapter: The Man Who Sold the World by Nirvana

A few months had passed since Dean and Skyla had gotten married. Married life was pretty great for them, for the most part. Dean still went on dangerous hunts, and she went on quite a few of them with him and Sam. She and Sam were still very busy trying to find a way to keep Dean from dying. They didn't want to lose him, it scared the hell out of them. He was the glue to their dysfunctional family.

Dean wasn't too happy that his wife and brother were working so hard to find a way to save him, when he knew there wasn't a way. He still hoped though, even though he knew it was hopeless. A small part of him really believed that there may have been a chance to save him, and he held on to that part of him as much as he could.

Bobby had really tried as well, but it wasn't easy for him to be seeing one of the people he seen as his own child coming to his eventual death day. Truth be told, Bobby loved the three as if they were his kids. Even though Dean didn't want to believe it, Skyla could see just how much of a better father Bobby was than John. John may have apologized to her, but that didn't mean she was going to forget everything he ever did or said to her, Dean, and Sam. He wasn't even her father, and she was hurt by him and his words more than she was by her own father.

Bobby, Sam, and Dean decided they would work on finding Lilith. If they could do anything, they'd take out Lilith before Dean died, and they believed that there was a chance Lilith may have the authority to take away Dean's soul-binding contract with the crossroads demon.

Skyla helped them search for Lilith, too, but when she wasn't doing that, she was working on finding a way to save Dean. She was beginning to feel more and more hopeless, and with that feeling, she began to have little episodes of crying when Dean wasn't around. Dean didn't know, and she planned to keep it that way.

The girl had began to wonder if she was ever going to find a way to save her husband. She couldn't lose him. He was her other half, and she loved him more than she loved herself. She was going to work until there was absolutely no time left, and even then, she'd work until the very last second to find a way to save Dean. As of this moment, she only had four months left. He was going to be gone soon, and as each day ticked by, her heart began to feel heavier and heavier.

"What if I sold my soul?" She wondered to herself, since Dean, Bobby, and Sam were out following another lead,"or is Dean's more valuable. I'm not a Winchester. Well, I am, but I'm not a born Winchester, I married into the family. I might be valuable, but--God! Why can't I find anything to save him?!" She screamed, as she buried her face in her hands and cried.

She cried for a good minute, before anger began to take over her mind. She was angry at the world and angry at herself. There were so many things to be angry about, and she didn't know of any way to make herself feel better. She was feeling completely defeated, even though she still had a couple of months to search for a way to save him.

In a fit of rage, Skyla walked outside, grabbed a bat from beside the front door, and began to take her anger out on a car. She cried and screamed as she broke windows and left dents in the car. When her arms became too tired and her legs could barely hold her up, she dropped the bat, slowly collapsed to the ground, and sobbed her heart out. She felt like a failure, and Dean wasn't even gone yet, but she still felt like she had failed him.

When the tears stopped flowing, she felt pain in her head and her wrist. She stood up from the ground shakily, and headed inside to find something for pain. When she looked in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom, she found some Tylenol for her headache. She then decided to work on her wrist. She had fallen on her wrist when she had hit the ground. She had felt the initial pain when she hit the ground, but she didn't feel how much it actually hurt until after she had stopped crying and calmed down a bit.

She grabbed a wrap from the cabinet, and began to wrap her swelling wrist. Her wrist was turning purple and swelling fast, but she refused to believe that she had been so clumsy and had potentially broken her wrist. She had to wait until Dean and the others arrived back at Bobby's to seriously check on her wrist. She was going to make up a lie though. She didn't want them to know how she had hurt it, especially Dean. If Dean knew, he'd never leave her side, and he needed to be able to do his own thing.

She knew that Dean and the others were on their way back. She quickly ran outside to put the bat back where she found it. Once she had it put away, she sat and waited at the table for them. Her wrist was in a lot of pain, and the Tylenol alone wasn't really helping much. When she heard Dean and the others arrive back at Bobby's, she somewhat sighed in relief. They walked inside and found her in the kitchen, and Dean's eyes immediately landed on Skyla's wrist.

"What happened?" He asked, as he quickly went over to her.

"I uh, I think I broke it." She replied, making him frown.

"How'd you do that?" Bobby asked, as he grabbed some ice from the freezer.

"I tripped and fell. I tried to catch myself, and I felt the pain. It started swelling almost immediately, and I wrapped it. The Tylenol isn't really helping, but I didn't know what else to take. I've never broken a bone before." She said, causing Dean to sigh.

"C'mon, we're going to the hospital. You need an X-ray." He commented, and almost immediately Skyla followed.

She was not too happy about getting an x-ray or getting a cast once she found out she really had broken her wrist...

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