Chapter Five

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Song of the Chapter: Patience by Guns n Roses

     After seeing Skyla again after a year of regret and sorrow, Dean's mind was on overdrive. During their hunt, everything reminded him of Skyla. He couldn't even count on all of his fingers how many times he thought about her while hunting The Woman in White. He even seen Skyla's face on the ghost for a moment, before his mind cleared up and he was once again able to realize that the ghost was a completely different person from Skyla.

     Sam's backhanded comment he made when Dean jumped from the bridge and came back up smelling like sewage, made Dean's heart ache. "Sky wouldnt like you smelling like that," he had commented, but apologized as soon as the words left his mouth. Those comments would've been normally during their other hunts before Sam left, so it was almost like an unconscious instinct for Sam, but it wasn't normal anymore. The comment made Dean miss Skyla more, especially since he knew Sam was right. Skyla would've scolded him for coming back smelling like a toilet, after she laughed at him of course.

"We take showers for a reason, Dean. I don't go and buy you new clothes, just for you to swim in a toilet. Besides, you won't get none of this," She began, running her hand just above the curve of her chest and hip,"Unless you get a shower first, buddy." She'd finish, giving Dean a pointed look.

     Dean could almost hear the words straight from her mouth, causing him to grip the steering wheel of Baby for a moment. He then began to think about their arrest. It was just after he took a shower in the room their father had paid for a few days before. He was hunting the same ghost as them before he disappeared.

       While sitting in the holding room, he could almost hear Skyla getting them out of jail. Sometimes she'd be in cuffs next to Dean because of her smartass mouth, not only during hunts, but also when bailing them out. Sometimes she could be as sweet as sugar, which almost always worked to get the guys out. She'd make up some sob story and the cops would believe her, releasing Sam and Dean from their holding rooms or cells almost instantly.

"Dean, are you alright?" Sam asked, breaking Dean from his thoughts.

"Yeah," He began, coughing to clear his throat,"I'm fine, Sammy."

       Sam wasn't convinced. He could see the longing looks Dean would wear when he walked over to Baby. Every time Dean looked towards the backseat, Sam could almost see perfectly, the sadness and desperation in Dean's eyes. Dean wasn't much of an open book, but Sam could tell just how torn up Dean was over losing Skyla, only to see her again with Sam and Jess.

       Sam felt bad for not telling Dean about Skyla, but he couldn't tell him, not without breaking Skyla's trust. Skyla had made Sam promise not to tell Dean where she was. Normally Sam could still tell his brother or Skyla the truth, even if someone told him not to tell, but he just couldn't tell Dean this time. Skyla was practically his big sister, so he really didn't want to break her trust. Her trust was very important to him, as was Dean's, but hers was the one on the line this time.

"Here you are." Dean commented, parking outside of Sam's area.

"Thank you, Dean,"Sam began, sighing slightly in thought,"Let me know what happens with Dad." He said, and Dean nodded.

"Will do." Dean replied, now upset that his brother chose university over him once again.

"I-I'll talk to Sky, but I can't promise anything." Sam voiced, causing Dean's heartbeat to speed up.

"I dont know if that's a good idea, Sam." Dean answered, making Sam sigh once more.

"I can't have you both being heartbroken forever, Dean. She misses you and you miss her. One of you need to grow a pair of balls and talk to one another again. It would give you a chance to apologize." Sam stated, making Dean frown.

"She'll never forgive me. You didn't hear the words coming straight from her mouth, Sam. She hates me. It's better this way." Dean said, as Sam scoffed.

"No, it's not better this way. Your mind hasn't been clear since you seen her. I can't lose my brother because he's too busy thinking about his ex girlfriend. You have a shot; take it before it's too late, Dean." Sam replied, getting out of the car and shutting the door behind him.

"Sam, don't tell her anything about what happened today. Today--this hunt, it wasn't what it was supposed to be, but I don't want her to know." Dean called out the window of Baby, and Sam nodded.

"I won't tell her about the hunt, Dean, I promise." Sam replied, causing Dean to sigh in relief.

       Dean knew Skyla wouldn't be happy with him if he allowed her to interfere with his hunts. Rather they were together or not, his safety, and hers, were their top priority when it comes to hunts and such. Dean had half-wished he had allowed Sam to tell Skyla about the hunt. Maybe if he told her, she would run out here to yell at Dean. Rather she was scolding him or not, at least he'd be able to see her, hear her again.

      As Sam walked towards the door, he tried to think of what he'd say to Skyla. He didn't want to scare her, but he knew she needed to know as much as possible. He may have promised to not tell Skyla about the hunt, but he didn't promise to not tell her everything else. He knew she needed to know, for her sake and Dean's. They needed to be together again. Sam could see the toll it was taking on both of them. He just wanted them to be happy like they were before, even if that means they'd have to go against John's wishes...

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