Chapter One

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Song of the Chapter: From Yesterday by 30 Seconds to Mars

As the days went on, Dean became more disconnected from the world. John was running him into the ground, going after every monster they found. Dean didn't catch a break, not even when he was injured. John was taking his anger out on the monsters, but he was bringing Dean down with him. He believed that making Dean work constantly would help keep Dean from thinking about Skyla. He didn't need the girl clouding his son's mind.

Dean worked hard every day, even when he felt exhausted. He hated himself. Every time he'd look in the mirror, he felt the urge to scream. He hated his own reflection, knowing he lost the only girl that would ever love him as much as he loved her. He needed her back, but she would never take him back. I love you, Dean, but I will never forgive you. Her words ran through his head all the time, especially when he was trying to sleep. He was restless now, more than he had been before she was gone.

He didn't even know where she was. He checked around the whole city they had been in when she left, but there was no sight of her. He ended up searching the whole state, but to no avail. She was gone, and he'd never find her again. He figured she had moved on with her life, even in the few short months that they had been apart. He didn't blame her though, he did tear her heart out after almost four years of them being together.

He hated thinking about the hours they had spent, talking about their futures together. They wanted to get married. They wanted to finally catch the demon that killed Mary, that way they could finally be out of the hunting life for good. If they were finally able to leave the life, they'd be able to have their own family. Dean had already thought of names, though he doubted they would ever have a family. He wanted a family with her, even though it would be dangerous, since she was the girl of his dreams.

Zeppelin and Chicago. Those were the names he had picked out. He had chose Zeppelin, after the band he loved and she hated, but would tolerate for Dean and listen to him sing for hours on end. She loved his voice, almost as much as he loved hers. He had chose Chicago, after the city they had first met. He could honestly say it was like love at first sight, no matter how cliche and chick flick-y that sounded. He honestly wished to have one boy and one girl, though he knew a boy would be better suited for their lifestyle.

Many nights, he would dream about his and Skyla's future. He would dream about their wedding. He would dream about their family. He would dream about their happily ever after, but it was always torn apart by the nightmare that ate at him since it happened. Every night he'd dream of their breakup, and he'd be haunted by her words, which would wake him in cold sweats, tears, and gasps of air.

He would clean his weapons often, as if they ever had time to get dirty from the last time he cleaned them. He would also work on the car any chance he got, which would help him cloud his mind with thoughts other than Skyla. Even the Impala had it's own memories, which Dean would try to push away every time he worked on the car. Baby was their ride for all of their relationship. She housed them for many nights. She drove them to all of their dates. Hell, the Impala was the car they made love in, for the first time in their relationship. He could almost shine a sad smirk, every time he looked at the back seat, knowing their sweaty bodies had tainted those seats more than once.

Dean could feel the harsh gazes of his father, who was disappointed in him for not getting over Skyla yet. John didn't believe that his son had met the love of his life yet. He believed that Dean still had many years before that could happen. He also didn't believe it would happen, since love was such a dangerous game in their lives. Love could easily get them killed, which was one of the major reasons John made Dean dump Skyla. Even though he wanted Dean to be solely focused on the hunts with no distractions, he also didn't want his son being killed for love.

John believed Skyla was a sweet and strong-willed girl, but he wasn't sure if she was ever going to be ready to be a full time hunter. Yes, she had gone on hunts before and did a damn fine job, but he didn't want to chance her slipping up. If anything, John knew her death would hurt Dean more than their breakup ever could. At least, this way, he knew she was alive.

He could see the bags under Dean's eyes, from the lack of sleep he had been getting for a while. John wished that his son would just forget about Skyla, since he was positive that Skyla had forgotten about Dean. He knew this, since she hadn't tried to contact Dean once since the breakup. John didn't know how the breakup went down, or what was said, so he didn't actually know that Skyla was too mad at Dean to talk to him.

Even though they broke up, Dean would've felt way better if she would've called. Hearing her voice would've brightened his day, even just ever so slightly. He needed to see her, hear her, or touch her again to finally be out of his slump. He just knew that she wouldn't come around to fix him, knowing that he broke her. She would leave him broken, as he had done to her...


A/N: I hope you liked this chapter. I do not plan on having many author's notes at all, unless I'm telling you guys something important. With that being said, please remember to show your support on every chapter.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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