Chapter Eleven

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Song of the Chapter: Kill You by Eminem

After figuring out what had been hurting the children, a Shtriga, emotions are stirred up and things get a bit tense. Dean blamed himself for the children being hurt, because he believed it was the shtriga from when they were younger. Sam had almost been terribly hurt by the shtriga, and he didn't kill it then. His father blamed him, and when his father blamed him, he blamed himself.

Skyla didn't understand why John could be such an asshole without a care in the world. He didn't seem to mind that he was a horrible father. He didn't seem to care that he treated his children like soldiers. He was obsessed with hunting, and hoping to eventually find the thing that killed his wife, but that didn't give him an excuse. There was never an excuse to treat children like foot soldiers, simply because he wanted them to do what he said when he said it without any lip.

After the rise in tension and flurry of emotions, the boys seemed to think they needed to find their father. Skyla didn't want to see the poor excuse of a man. She believed that he didn't deserve his boys, after leaving and not contacting them since he disappeared. It was very rude of him, and it gave more points to him being a horrible father.

Skyla wasn't very happy about having to go find John. The boys were trying to find the demon that killed their mother as well, but there were things they needed to do so. Skyla tried to stay out of it all, since she knew the boys really needed the revenge against the demon. She knew about the gun they were looking for, it was supposed to be able to kill anything, which also included the yellow eyed demon that killed Mary Winchester.

Mary Winchester only got to know her child for a few years. She only got to love them for a little bit, before she was gone and not able to be there anymore. Sam barely got six months with her, and Skyla had wished that it was different. Sam didn't get to have any real familial love, other than from his brother, and that changed the person he was supposed to be.

Skyla had pretty much sat on the outs for the entire search for the gun and John. When they finally came upon John, she felt hatred fill her heart. She could barely look him in the eyes, without wanting to throw a punch straight at his face. Honestly, she knew she'd feel pretty good bludgeoning him, simply because of the way he acted. After not seeing his sons for a long time, he still acted like an ass, as if he didn't care that he was seeing them for the first time in months, or in Sam's case years.

The case that John, Dean, and Sam worked on was vampires. Skyla had offered to help, but Dean didn't want her to be in danger. He didn't want her going into a nest of vampires, since vampires were known for catching scents, and hunting their prey in the night. Skyla understood, and she agreed with Dean, even though she hadn't wanted to.

It was all fine, until John spoke up that he didn't want Skyla going in, because she would get in the way. She would get herself killed or put them all in danger because she was clumsy and not as good a hunter as the others. John's words had hurt, but what hurt more was that Dean didn't speak up. Dean looked as though he had no idea what to do in the situation, but Skyla was pissed at him, and him staying silent made her anger more prominent.

Skyla didn't even bother asking for a ride to the nearest hotel. Instead, she grabbed her bag from the trunk of the Impala, and started walking away from the group of men. She wad silently fuming, and if anyone even dared to grab her to try and stop her, they'd be feeling intense pain when her fist met their teeth or nose.

"Skyla!" Sam shouted, as he tried to stop his friend.

"Sky, c'mon!" Dean exclaimed, and she almost stopped to simply flip him off.

"Leave her, she's acting like a child. I told you that she wasn't meant for this life. She wasn't meant for any of this, and yet you went and ran back to her the minute my back was turned." John spat, causing Skyla to try and stop herself from pulling her gun on John.

Skyla knew that if she pulled her gun on John, Dean would have a fit, but at the same time, she really didn't care. She was pissed, and she was seriously trying to not kill the man that had caused her so many problems for years. She had secretly wished that John had been the one to die and not Mary. She didn't know Mary, other than what Dean had told her, but she knew Mary would've been better than John as a parent to the boys.

Mary most likely would've turned the boys into hunters after what happened when they were little, but at least they would've been treated like family, instead of like soldiers. Sklya had a feeling that Mary wouldn't have hated her, and she possibly would've helped Skyla train better if she did think she was clumsy or not trained well enough.

Skyla just knew that Dean being around John was a bad idea, and having Sam around made it worse. Sam had problems with John, and things became more tense and hard for him when John was around. Dean was just trying to be a "good son," but Skyla didn't see being a good son as being a foot soldier. She really didn't believe John was the father Dean and Sam needed, they had needed someone that wouldn't have treated them like they were nothing but soldiers in a war that they were forced into...

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