Chapter Four

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Song of the Chapter: Wake Me Up When September Ends by Green Day

"Sky, hey, I'm sorry. I didn't think we were that loud. We didn't mean to wake you up." Sam said, trying to defuse a very sticky situation.

"Why is he here, Sam?" She asked, anger evident in her voice.

"Well, ya see, he's here because he needs my help. Something came up and-" Sam began, trying to keep Dean from looking like a complete chooch.

"Dad's on a hunting trip, and he hasn't been back in a few days." Dean interrupted, causing Skyla's eyes to shoot back to him.

"O-oh, okay. Well, be back by Tuesday, Sam. I have a great feeling about this interview." Skyla said, ignoring Dean completely.

"I will, I promise. I'll see you girls by Tuesday." Sam replied, smiling at the girl who he seen as an older sister.

Kissing his girlfriend, he promised to tell her everything once he had gotten back from his roadtrip with Dean. He then went over to Skyla and pulled her into a hug, kissing her forehead, apologizing for the predicament she had woken up to, which included her seeing Dean. Once both men had left, the girls climbed into Sam and Jess's bed, deciding sleeping alone was not something they could handle right now.

As soon as they were in the car, Dean punched Sam in the arm. Sam gave Dean a bewildered look, as he rubbed the sore spot on his arm.

"What the hell, Dean?!" Sam exclaimed, as Dean glared at him.

"No, don't 'what the hell, Dean' me, Sammy. You have been in school with Skyla this whole time and you never told me?!" Dean retorted, causing Sam to sigh.

"I couldn't tell you, Dean. She told me what happened between you and her. I couldn't tell you where she was. Not only would she hate me, but she would run away and we'd never be able to find her. At least, with her staying with me, I knew where she was and I didn't have to worry about her." Sam said, making Dean sigh.

"How's she been?" Dean asked, and it was now Sam's turn to sigh.

"Honestly? She hasn't been the greatest. Well, recently she's been studying a lot for her final exam, but other than that, she's not been too amazing. I mean, she hasn't bothered me, don't get me wrong, but I could tell something was really bothering her. She's not the same Skyla you remember, Dean. Your breakup really affected her." Sam stated, and Dean frowned.

He had wished, all along, that Skyla hadn't forgotten about him or stopped loving him, but hearing that she was in as much distress as he was, it hurt him to even fathom the thought. He now almost wished that she had forgotten about him. Maybe then she wouldn't have been as bad off as he was. There was a chance that she wasn't, and Dean hoped she wasn't, but he knew Skyla. Everything wasn't always perfect when it came to Skyla, this meaning he knew how she dealt with her emotions, and there was no way he could change it.

"What is she studying?" Dean asked, making Sam smile.

"She's studying psychology. She's a great psych major. The professor is very proud of her. He actually gave her the final exam early. She gets her results back Monday, and if she passed, she'll be certified in psychology." Sam answered, making Dean smile sadly.

He was proud of Skyla, quite proud indeed, but he couldn't help but wonder if those were her dreams all along. Had she always wanted to study psychology? Had Dean caused her future to change? Did Dean change her mind that much? There were way too many questions that would have to go unanswered when it came to them.

"How have you been, Dean?" Sam asked, knowing his brother's coping mechanisms were about as great as Skyla's.

Dean didn't know if he should tell Sam the truth, seeing as Sam was living with his ex girlfriend. Would Sam really tell Skyla everything? Dean wondered, but he shook off the thought. There was no way his brother would tell Skyla anything, not when they both knew the truth could potentially hurt Skyla more than she already was.

"I'm getting better." Dean answered, as Sam scoffed.

"I know you're lying to me, Dean. I seen the way you looked at Sky when you seen her." Sam commented, making Dean huff.

"Yeah? How would you react if you were in my position? I mean, come on! I just found out my little brother has been living with my ex girlfriend this whole time, and not once did he tell me!" Dean retorted, and Sam sighed.

"I've also seen the bags under your eyes." Sam commented, and Dean frowned.

"Can't sleep." Dean answered, and Sam frowned as well.

"Why? Nightmares?" Sam asked, as Dean stayed quiet.

Dean didn't want to tell Sam about his nightmares. What man would want to tell his little brother that he's been having terrible nightmares every night since he broke up with his girlfriend, all of which had been keeping him up every night or waking him up with some of the worst images he could ever imagine.

"It's fine if you've been having nightmares, Dean, everyone has them. It's not anything to be ashamed about." Sam commented, causing Dean to scowl.

"I'm not ashamed." Dean retorted, making Sam sigh.

"Tell me what your dreams are about, Dean." Sam said, but Dean stayed silent.

Dean would be willing to tell Sam any truth, but not this one. This truth was going to stay bottled up inside forever, unless he had to tell someone. They hadn't gotten to that point yet, at least, not to him. He hated the mere thought of anyone finding out about his nightmares. He didn't believe any man in the world had nightmares about his ex girlfriend after breaking up with her. Well, not nightmares where he'd never see her again. He just wished the nightmares would go away...

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