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"In this farewell,
There's no blood.
There's no alibi.
'Cause I've drawn
Regret from the truth
Of a thousand lies.
So let mercy come
And wash away
What I've done."
~ What I've Done by Linkin Park



He hated leaving her behind. She was everything he wanted and more. Every hour that ticked by while he was alone, made him hate everything in his soul. He just hoped that one day she would forgive him, or he would forgive himself.



"I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand."
~ Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls



"Imagine living
Like a king
A single night
A ghost in the walls
We are the shadows
Screaming take us now
We'd rather die
Than live to rust on the ground."
~ King For A Day by Pierce the Veil ft. Kellin Quinn



She thought what they had was perfect. She believed that she had done her best to make him happy. Apparently no amount of love could ever suffice to the words of his father. They planned to live forever together, but forever wasn't long enough.



"It's up for you to understand.
Nobody's gonna feel your pain
When all is done and it's time
For you to walk away
So when you have today,
Say all that you have to say."
~ Roger Rabbit by Sleep With Sirens



He could never be given a second chance. Over the year that he left her, he kept going back to where they were last. She had disappeared, moved on, and he had nothing. He should've told her the truth, told his father how he felt, but he kept it all to himself. Now, as he's pained from the inside, he has to put on a strong face and act like everything's fine.



" I dreamed I was missing
And you were so scared
But no one would listen
'Cause no one else cared.
I'm strong on the surface,
Not all the way through."
~ Leave Out All the Rest by Linkin Park



"And then I crash dramatically into a wall I've hit a hundred times before and yet I still ignore the bright red blood stains on the floor and I'm back in front of you lord with blood on the floor. Is this blood mine or yours? I don't want to do this anymore."
~ Twenty One Pilots



She felt alone. She had nobody left. She couldn't turn to anyone, they were all dead. She wanted to be dead, too, but she had to be strong. For the person she was once before, was no longer the person she was now. It wasn't just a teenage romance, it was her whole life walking out of that door.



"The way she feels inside is too much for her. When all you got is these for walls, it's not that hard to feel so small, or even exist at all. How come no one heard her when she said, maybe I'm better off dead?"
~ Better Off Dead by Sleeping With Sirens



"I'm a goner
Somebody catch
My breath."
~ Goner by Twenty One Pilots



The world was a tough place to be. Everything was changing, deteriorating. No matter how hard they tried, the world around them wasn't getting better. Everything was crashing, burning, and all they wished was that they had each other.



"Sometimes you don't say goodbye once. You say goodbye over and over and over again."
~ Over Again by Mike Shinoda



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