Chapter Twenty

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Song of the Chapter: Stuck by Thirty Seconds to Mars

"Today," Dean interrupted Skyla's morning coffee,"today we'll get married. We can go to the courthouse to get it done legally, but without the fancy costumes and family issues." He said, which had surprised Skyla.

"Are we having Sam and Bobby come with us?' Skyla asked,"I'm pretty sure to get married you need witnesses." She commented, and he shrugged.

"If that's what you want." He replied, causing her to nod.

"You tell them, I'm going to put on clothes that aren't my pajamas." She said, standing from the table, bringing her coffee with her as she left.

"Sky, are those jeans new?" Dean asked, as he entered their room to get dressed.

"Dean--" She began, but he cut her off.

"I think the whole outfit is new," Dean commented,"because these--" Dean smacked her ass,"I would remember, and I know you've never owned a Nirvana shirt before."

"I love Nirvana," Skyla replied,"you've heard me listening to them quite a few times."

"I know," He answered,"and I'm glad I didn't buy that shirt when I seen it a few weeks ago. I was gonna get it for your birthday, but that would've ruined it."

Anyhow, once Dean and Skyla were ready, they went downstairs and met up with Sam and Bobby. The two men were also ready, so the group of four was able to go to the courthouse bright and early. Dean wasn't even worried about his name setting off any alarms to the people at the courthouse, he simply wanted to marry the woman he loved more than anything in the world.

Dean and Skyla simply had to get someone to marry them, and a notary had to sign off that the marriage was real and legal. It really didn't take long, since they had been there early that morning. Sam and Bobby also had to sign, since they were the witnesses to the wedding. This was something Skyla hoped would go away in the future, considering some people didn't have family when they wanted to marry the love of their life.

"That was quick. I was expecting an hour at least." Sam commented, as they stepped out of the courthouse.

"I'm happy it didn't take too long, they could've figured out you guys were wanted in some towns if it took any longer." Skyla said, giving Dean a cheeky smile.

"You two want me to make steak to celebrate?" Bobby asked, looking over at the newly married couple.

"Hell yeah." Dean replied, and Skyla laughed.

"That would be great, Bobby, thank you." She added, wanting to be a little more polite than Dean.

"I'm gonna take Sky out for milkshakes, she's been wanting one for the last few days." Dean commented, causing Bobby and Sam to nod almost instantly.

"Go, have fun being married." Sam replied, giving the two a smile.

"We'll pick up everything needed for dinner tonight," Skyla said,"You guys want fries or baked potatoes?" She asked, looking between Bobby and Sam.

"Whatever you get, I'll make. It's your celebration." Bobby answered, causing the girl to smile.

Dean and Skyla climbed into the Impala and drove to the diner that served the absolute best milkshakes. Skyla loved getting the chocolate banana milkshake, and Dean always got the strawberry cheesecake milkshake. All the milkshakes were handmade, and had little crumbles of cheesecake, bananas, cookie dough, or whatever was ordered inside the milkshake.

"You happy to finally be married to me?" Dean asked, causing Skyla to smirk.

"I knew you wouldn't be able to resist marrying me eventually. I just had to wait and see just how long it would take." She replied jokingly, and he scoffed and rolled his eyes playfully at her.

"And to think I had made sure that you had a ring that wasn't made of candy." He retorted, causing Skyla to laugh.

"If you would've bought me a ring made of candy, I would've kicked your ass, then ate it." She said, trying to look serious, but the smile that was peaking through made Dean chuckle.

The atmosphere between the two was definitely happy and carefree right after they had gotten married. This was something that Dean hoped would stay around for at least a few days. He hated seeing how stressed out and worried Skyla seemed to be about him almost every day. Honestly, it broke his heart seeing her so scared and worried about him.

"Should we head to the store now, so we can get the groceries we need for tonight?" Skyla asked, as she finished off her milkshake.

"Yeah, let's go." He replied, throwing a twenty dollar bill on the table between their empty glasses.

Skyla and Dean walked up and down the isles in the store. They bought everything they needed for steak and baked potatoes, but Dean had also gotten a couple cases of beer, and bought a case of soda for Skyla, since she didn't really feel like drinking. Since she didn't feel like drinking, Dean didn't bother buying Corona, instead he bought the cheaper beer.

Skyla had also gotten quite a few snacks that she had been meaning to buy for the last few days. When Dean and Sam went on dangerous hunts, she would be asked to stay behind sometimes. It was hard for her to not worry, and when she worried too much, she'd start snacking. She had ran out of snacks though, so she had to pickup more for obvious reasons.

Dean had also talked her into making her famous cherry pie for a wedding gift to him. She, of course, didn't need to be asked, but she loved seeing his puppy dog eyes. She was more than happy to make Dean a pie though, since she knew it was his favorite. She wanted to do as much as she could to make him happy before the day came for him to die. That day still scared her, it always would, and she believed even once he was gone, she would continue making pies just to remind herself of him...

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