Chapter Eight

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Song of the Chapter: Come As You Are by Nirvana

Skyla had pretty much ignored Dean the rest of the time he and Sam were dealing with the bug job. She was angry at hum, and she had every right to be. He didn't even try to force her to talk to him. He wanted to give her time to cool off, so she wouldn't bite his head off when they finally talked it out.

After the deal with the bugs, Skyla had to deal with a couple of cases that were a nerve-wracking for her. The first case was in Lawrence, Kansas, back at the boys' old home. It was rough for her talking to Missouri, since the woman tried telling her that things were going to get better for her. After almost dying in the boys' old house because of a poltergeist, Skyla didn't feel like her life was going to get any easier.

The very next case was horrible, too. The case took place in an abandoned insane asylum. The building had managed to actually scare her, and the ghosts weren't exactly the most inviting. She was attacked by the ghost of the doctor, as was Dean, and it left bruises on her for a couple weeks. Hearing the awful things from Sam, as he was seemingly possessed by the doctor, made Skyla's heart clench. He had been so hateful and hurtful towards Dean and her, that she almost wondered if he actually meant what had been said.

Skyla had tried to get away from the cases for a while, but she didn't get the chance. The next thing she knew, she and Dean were working on trying to subdue a scarecrow that was some God. Apparently the people had been sacrificing couples to this scarecrow to be able to make apples and Skyla thought it was ridiculous. She didn't even like apples that much, other than in apple pie.

At first, Skyla wasn't supposed to be the one the people were going to sacrifice, but she had gotten in the way. She technically saved a girl's life by getting in the way, but that didn't make being put in a cellar until it was time to be sacrificed any easier. Dean tried to break the doors, but he couldn't get through them.

"How're we going to get out of this one?" Skyla asked, as she sighed and sat down in the dark.

"I'm thinking of a plan." He replied, and she pursed her lips.

The two sat in silence, as Dean "worked" on a plan to get them out of there. The girl waited, but Dean never gave her a plan. When the people came back to drag them into the orchid to be sacrificed, Skyla was almost sure that they were boned. Dean had no ideas, and they were going to be sacrificed. The two were dragged to a set of trees, then tied to them and the couple walked away. They sounded like they were sorry, but Skyla had a feeling they really weren't.

"I hope your apple pie was freaking worth it!" Dean shouted after them, and Skyla simply sighed, closed her eyes, and leaned her head back against the tree she was tied to.

"You got a plan yet, Winchester?" Skyla asked, as they were waiting for the sun to go down.

"I'm working on it." He replied, making her frown.

"This would've never happened if you left those people alone." Skyla commented, and Dean gave her his 'bitch' look that he was famous for.

"Yeah?" He retorted,"and if I had left them alone, they would've been in our place instead."

"We would've been able to form a plan better if we weren't tied to trees." She said, making him groan.

"I'm working on it." He murmured, and she simply rolled her eyes.

"Clearly." She retorted, causing him to sigh.

"While we're stuck here, maybe you and I should try and clear the air between us." He commented, making her shrug.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt," She replied,"I mean, you are tied to a tree with me, it's not like I can get away from you."

"I want to start off with saying I'm sorry about the bug prank," He said,"I forgot just how scared you were of them. I didn't mean to scare you so bad."

"I've gotten over it, after almost dying twice because of poltergeist." She answered, making him nod.

"I-uh, I'm also sorry about everything that happened a couple years ago. I shouldn't have let Dad talk me into leaving you years ago. It was stupid, and I'm sorry." He admitted, and she felt a smile appear on her face.

"Did you miss me? Did you ever think about me?" She asked, her voice low, as if she was afraid that he'd say that he didn't think of her at all since she had left.

"I did! I did miss you, every damn day. You were it for me, and I messed up, but I want us to get back to where we were." He said, making her sigh.

"I don't know if that will happen, Dean. I don't know if it's a good idea to get back into a position where I could end up hurt." She replied, and he looked away.

She knew she had hurt his feelings, but she had to answer honestly. She was scared of getting hurt again, and she felt like she knew that if she opened herself up to Dean again, he'd hurt her like he hurt her before. She didn't want to feel that pain again. It was a pain that she couldn't even describe, and she didn't want to relive it.

"I told Sam this wouldn't work, you wouldn't want to work any of this out." Dean grumbled, and that made Skyla mad.

She understood that he was hurt, but he had to hear the truth. If he didn't, he'd think it was all fine, and she knew it wasn't. She would need a little more than a simple apology to trust him again...

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