Chapter Twenty Nine

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Song of the Chapter: Stressed Out by Twenty One Pilots

Dean and Bobby had been the first to meet Castiel. So, when Castiel appeared in Bobby's house, they didn't seem so freaked out by him. Skyla on the other hand, she practically peed herself. The man had appeared out of thin air, and he was rather uncomfortable to be around.

"You should calm your heart rate. Your rise in blood pressure is not good for your offspring." The man had said, causing Skyla's eyes to widen even more in fear.

"Sky, it's okay. This is the guy that got me outta Hell." Dean commented, placing his hands on his wife's shoulders.

"Who are you?" Skyla asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I am Castiel, I'm an angel of the Lord." He replied, and she almost scoffed.

"Demons, monsters, ghosts, and now angels?" She questioned sarcastically,"What's next, dragons?"

"Actually--" Castiel began, but Dean cut him off.

"We were surprised to learn about angels, too, but he doesn't seem like too big of a threat." Dean told her, making her nod silently.

Sam's reaction to Castiel seemed to be a lot calmer than Skyla's, since he didn't react like she did when he seen Castiel. Skyla didn't really trust the angel, since she knew that he could easily be a bad guy. She wanted to believe the whole idea that God was good and so were angels, but she truly stopped thinking that as years went on.

To her, if God was really as great as all these people seemed to think, he wouldn't allow all of his people to die or be hunted by all these monsters and demons. Demons were practically taking over the earth without any repercussions, and nobody came to handle them. God hadn't once tried to handle them, and it wasn't until now that Skyla had even met an angel. They really seemed almost rare to her, but then she also believed that maybe angels were lazy. They didn't feel like fighting the demons, so they didn't even try.

In Skyla's mind, God got tired of his little science experiment, and left them on the top shelf to collect dust. She wasn't really surprised, since the earth wasn't that magical or exciting. She just wished that earth wasn't left to rot and take care of itself, while people idolized God, worshipped him, and gave themselves over as slaves to him for nothing.

"I sense you do not believe me." Castiel commented, causing Skyla to scoff.

"Oh, really?" She raised an eyebrow,"What gave you that idea?" She retorted, and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"You are very closed off and guarded around me, as if you are afraid I am here to hurt you or your offspring." He said, making her roll her eyes.

"Well, considering I've never heard of angels until now, makes it seem almost impossible to be true," She replied,"but let's say it is true, why are you here now? People needed you guys a long time ago, but you left them on their own. Your boss left so many people to suffer and die, and not once have I ever heard about him or one of his little angels going out and helping someone."

"I am sorry you feel that way, Skyla. We angels have been rather busy, but I am here because of Dean. He is important, and so are you, as you carry the offspring of Dean." He said, making her frown.

"Are you saying we are more important than a regular human?" Skyla asked, crossing her arms.

"Yes, you two are essentially more important than the other humans." Castiel replied, and she quietly nodded.

"Our child isn't some sacrificial scheme like the whole Jesus story, right?" Dean questioned, glaring at the angel in front of them.

"No, your offspring is not a sacrifice, Dean. We will simply protect Skyla and the child because we need you." Castiel said, causing a feeling of dread to flow through Skyla.

Barely a few moments later, Castiel vanished, leaving Sam, Dean, and Skyla in the kitchen alone. Bobby had went out on a hunt with his friend Rufus, so the three Winchesters were left in the house alone. They were all old enough to be trusted alone, for the most part. Bobby was still worried they'd burn his house down one day if he left them alone too long.

"I need to lay down." Skyla commented, causing Dean to frown.

"Are you okay?" He asked, and she bit her lip.

"I don't trust Castiel, and I don't trust what he says about the angels. I think we're in more danger than we've ever been, and adding angels to the mix is going to make everything a lot worse." She replied, causing him to sigh.

"I agree with Sky. I don't know if we should trust him. He claims they need you, but what stops them from taking you and leaving Sky and the baby in a dangerous or deadly situation?" Sam commented, and Dean stayed quiet.

"I will trust whatever you say and whatever you want to do, but I seriously don't think we should trust him, or at least, we don't need to fully trust him until he can prove that he doesn't have ill intentions." Skyla said, before she headed up the stairs to her and Dean's room.

Dean didn't know what to feel or what to do. He wanted to believe that Castiel was telling the truth, considering he was an angel, and angels were supposed to be a good guys according to the Bible. Skyla and Sam made good points though, and he didn't want to put his family in danger because of an angel. They had never even knew about or met any angels until Castiel came along. He didn't want to upset his wife, since he trusted her opinions and instincts, but he also didn't want to completely distrust Castiel. The problem was, he'd trust his wife more than he'd ever trust anyone else, and if she said he wasn't trustworthy, than Dean would believe her...

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