Chapter Thirty

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Song of the Chapter: Adore You by Harry Styles

Skyla stood between Sam and Dean, as the coroner performed an autopsy on the body. The coroner was kind of lazy though, and he didn't really feel like doing the autopsy. Since the man didn't feel like doing an autopsy, he really didn't do too great at it. Skyla had almost threw up when the coroner asked Dean to hold the heart, and she had actually gagged when spleen juice "accidentally" hit Sam in the face. She was seven months pregnant, who wouldn't expect her to feel sick at the sight. Hell, she was lucky to be walking around as much as she was, so feeling sick was something she really didn't feel too happy about.

After talking to the coroner, the brothers decide that their next step was to talk to the sheriff. Skyla didn't really feel like being a part of that though. She didn't want to chance meeting another person that was awful like the coroner. She didn't get to go back to the hotel though, she had to stay in the Impala since they didn't have much time before the sheriff would be off for the day.

"We need to visit Frank's neighbor. He was the last one to see Frank alive." Sam commented, as he and Dean got into the Impala.

"Are you going Sky?" Dean asked,"I don't know if you wanna go, y'know, since the neighbor has reptiles and--" Dean rambled, but she cut him off.

"Dean, I'm not scared of reptiles. I'm scared of bugs." She said, feeling a little confused by the way Dean was acting.

Dean was acting a bit different, but he wasn't too different where anyone would really notice if they weren't close to him. She wondered if maybe he was a little nervous about the hunts, because he still wasn't feeling like himself after he came back from Hell. Skyla wasn't sure if Dean would ever get back to being himself after everything he endured, and he never really told her what happened.

Skyla had tried to get Dean to talk about his time in Hell. It wasn't necessarily for him to talk about his time in Hell, but more about getting it off of his chest. She knew that he was having nightmares, considering he slept next to her every night. A few times she woke up and he was sitting up in bed exhausted, but he refused to go back to sleep. The only thing that seemed to help even a little bit was when he held Skyla to his chest, and had his hand on her belly.

Anyhow, when they entered the house of Frank's neighbor, Mark Hutchins, Skyla spotted quite a few reptiles, the majority of which were snakes. The three Winchesters went and sat down on the couch, and Skyla could see Dean practically sweating just sitting in the house with all the reptiles. She could feel something over her shoulder, and when she looked over and see a big snake, she almost jumped, but she remembered that the big snake would react to her emotions, and she did not want to be snake food.

Dean had a fake smile on his face, as the snake slid down the front of his body. Skyla stayed as still as possible, so she wouldn't accidently jolt Dean, and cause him to scare the snake. When they finally left, Dean seemed to be freaking out more. He was worried about the speed limit and his seat belt. That really worried Skyla, especially when they heard the EMF detector going off. When Sam brought the EMF detector towards Dean, it went haywire, and then they knew he had the ghost sickness.

"Am I haunted?!" Dean asked, looking scared beyond repair.

Later, when they were trying to figure out why Dean was the only one who got the sickness, it seemed to be because Dean was more of a "dick" than Sam and Skyla. Sam was just slightly surprised that Skyla wasn't effected, since she was almost exactly like Dean, but apparently she was just a little different. The idea was though that if they got rid of the ghost that started the sickness, the sickness would go away, otherwise Dean would end up being "scared to death," in a sense.

They decided to investigate Cassity and Sons Lumber Mill after Dean coughed up a chip of wood. While investigating, they find an ID for a man named Luther Garland, and they find drawn photos of Frank's wife Jessie. They begin to realize that Luther must've been the problem, since he was hooked on Frank's wife. While they were still investigating, they hear something inside of a locker. Sam decided to open it, and Dean screams loudly when a cat jumps out of the locker.

"That was scary." He said, as he tried to catch his breath with a smile on his face.

"Let's go," Skyla commented,"We're getting you back to the hotel. Sam and Bobby can handle this."

When the ghost of a big man appears, and the machinery starts moving, Dean takes off running almost like an episode of Scooby-Doo. Skyla rolled her eyes and followed him out, and she wasn't able to move too fast, since her belly slowed her down. Once she got Dean back to the hotel, she stayed in the room with him, while Sam and Bobby worked on trying to take out the ghost.

"I need to pee," Skyla murmured,"I'll be right back."

Skyla stood up and headed towards the bathroom. She heard a knock at the door, but she heard Dean get up to go answer it. She heard a lot of shuffling, as well as something break, which caused her to quickly leave the bathroom. Her eyes widened when she seen the cop laying on the ground.

"What happened?! I was only gone five minutes!" She exclaimed, but her tone quickly changed when Dean began to become a little incoherent.

Skyla helped Dean off the ground and over to the bed, and barely minutes later, Dean was fine. For a moment she was truly scared that Dean was going to die again because of the ghost sickness. Skyla had sighed in relief the moment Dean was back to normal. She really did think she was going to lose him, but he had survived like she knew he would...

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