Chapter Twenty Three

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Song of the Chapter: One More Light by Linkin Park

The day that everything seemed to become real had come. Skyla felt like her whole world was crumbling around her, but she tried to be as calm as possible when it came to the situation. She didn't want Dean to know how scared she truly was. She wanted to support him, and she wanted to be there for him, so she tried to be as supportive and calm as possible.

Sam and Bobby were with them, as Ruby was taking them to find Lilith. Ruby didn't seem trustworthy, but Sam seemed to trust her like she was a part of the family. What choice did they have though? She was saying she was working against Lilith and the rest of the demons. Lilith was there last hope, and they would do anything to get to her, even if that meant trusting Ruby.

Skyla could tell that Dean's mind was deteriorating, mostly because he had given up hope. He knew that he wasn't going to be saved, but at the same time, he really wanted to have some hope. The only good thing that came out of Dean's last day, was that Dean could tell them if they were talking to a demon or a regular person. He had actually been disgusted the first time he seen a demon's real face, and when he described the face to Skyla, she actually wanted to throw up, but she managed to simply cringe.

As the day went on, they seriously became scared that Dean wasn't going to be saved. The group had gone to find Lilith, and she happened to be in a small family home. Well, she had actually inhabited the young girl that lived in the home. The girl was barely eight years old, and she had been possessed by Lilith. Lilith tried to pretend to be the little girl, but she happened to be bad at pretending. She killed a few people simply for making things just a little out of place in her mind.

The group planned to take out Lilith, but it wasn't fairing well. She was really sneaky from them, and they tried not to be seen by the parents. When Skyla walked into the home and seen the dead bodies and birthday cake, that honestly disturbed her on another level.

When they did get seen by the father, he tried to hide from Lilith, but he didn't want to leave his wife alone with her. Skyla felt annoyed by him, and she took it upon herself to knock him out. Sam headed upstairs to take care of Lilith, but when Dean stopped him, he announced that Lilith was no longer in the little girl's body. Barely a second after that, the little girl had woken up screaming because of Sam holding a knife above her.

Dean and Sam headed back downstairs, and Skyla was waiting on them at the bottom of the stairs. The three went to leave, but they heard the sound of hellhounds. They ran around the house trying to find the perfect spot to hide. Dean knew his time was coming, but he was scared to die. Truth be told, he could see the fear on his wife and brother's faces, and that made him feel worse.

The three blocked themselves in the dining area of the house, and placed salt at the doors. Sam had let Ruby in, and Skyla wasn't too happy about it. Then, before Skyla could really be prepared for it, Dean informed them that Ruby wasn't Ruby. It was actually Lilith taking over Ruby's body. That was the moment Skyla knew things weren't going to work out the way she had wished they would.

Skyla and Sam were thrown into the wall by Lilith, and they had to watch as the doors opened and the hellhounds were let into the room. Skyla had to hold in a scream, as she watched everything happen in front of her. She watched as Dean was attacked by hellhounds and torn up. His chest was ripped to shreds, and cries left his lips. He didn't live much longer after his chest was ripped apart, but Skyla felt like she hadn't lived once he died either.

The moment she was dropped from the wall, she ran over to Dean's body. She sobbed as she placed his head in her lap. She caressed his face, as tears rolled down her cheeks. He was gone, and there was no way for her to bring him back. She felt like her heart had been ripped out, but his chest was the one that was torn up. She could barely hold herself together. She felt like she couldn't barely breath, and that scared the hell out of her.

Sam had also cried over Dean, but he could see the real pain on Skyla's face. Skyla couldn't handle going back to Bobby's. She grabbed her bag from the back of the Impala and just started walking. She needed to get away, even just for a few days. She expected Sam to call her when he planned to have Dean's funeral. She would be there for that, but she wouldn't be around for everything just yet. The wound was new, and she needed time to let it heal, even just barely.

Skyla had walked for hours, before she found herself a hotel to stay in for a couple nights. She cried her eyes out for those two days. She let out all of her emotions. There wasn't anyone around to hear her, as she sobbed her heart out into pillows. She held onto the shirt of Dean's that was in her bag. The shirt smelt like Dean, and that made her feel sad, but she also felt calmed. The scent made her feel like he was still around, even though he had died right in front of her eyes. She was always going to hurt, and she was scared to feel anything at all...

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