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POV 1:

My eyes were glued to the Arrivals gate. The airport buzzed with noise and people milled around. Conversations flowed around me, but my eyes, and ears were immune. My heart was thumping too madly for me to be able to understand anything right now. 1 year had stretched into 3. How did this idiot not understand how much he had been missed. It had been unbearable, and honestly? Messaging and FaceTime and video calling, none of it helped anymore. But that last message had filled me with an excitement that had been so palpable that the first question that my bestest friend had asked me had been, "So, looks like someone is coming back?" I had chirped away with happiness bubbling inside me, and I felt like the next month was going to be the longest I had waited, even though I had been waiting for 3 years already. I had finished all my work with a smile, and my colleagues had started making fun of me. But did I care? Oh Lordy NO!! I was going to be reunited with the love of my life, and nothing, and no one could take that away from me.

POV 2:

I had stayed away for 3 years. I had said 1, but so many things happened that I just could not get away. I know it meant more work, but it also meant more exposure, and also a chance to become more independent. But what I had not bargained for was how much I would miss that one person who made my life beautiful and exciting. I ached for the touches we shared, the passion between us, the way we would and could heat up with just one glance. I had hated to let go, especially seeing those tear drenched eyes, but who was likely to become my biggest weakness, had become my biggest strength. I had gained new found respect for how much sacrifice had been made for me. But I was finally going back. I loved flying, but right now, my heart was thumping so loudly because I knew that, another couple of hours, and I would be in the arms of my beloved, and this time? I was not letting go.

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