Of love and life

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Phayu and Pai sat in their dark condo. After coming back from Uni that day, they had not even switched on the lights. They had crashed into the couch like soldiers after a battle, exhausted and depressed. What had happened today had shaken them to the core. It had made them question again and again whether they will be able to pursue those boys. Were they willing to make adjustments? Were they worthy to become the support those guys clearly wanted? They felt frustrated, knowing that they were in love, but unable to process how to approach two very clearly wounded boys. As doctors, they knew that wounds that were visible could be treated and cared for, but wounds that hurt the most were usually those that couldn't be seen. Both of them knew that if they wanted Rain and Sky in their lives, there were many things they had to do to ensure that both of them felt safe and secure, which was clearly what the boys needed.

"You know what?" Pai said, suddenly sitting up. "This will not do! Sitting around like this, second guessing ourselves, it's not productive at all. Let's go home!" Phayu looked at him, knowing that Pai was right. He nodded, and they immediately drove home. After the incident with Uncle Khun, both boys had not gone back, having become busy with something or the other, but right now, they needed their family like nothing else. Their family was their strength and they always could share their innermost feeling with them. And get pure love and unadulterated and unfiltered advice. Their family tended to be loud, but their hearts were huge, acceptance being their biggest power.

"Pa? Papa??" both Phayu and Pai shouted as soon as they entered their house. Porche came strolling out of the salon. "Boys?" he asked and hugged both of them. "What are you doing home?" he asked. "Nothing. We just wanted to meet you guys," Phayu said. Porche nodded, not believing that for one second. He knew his sons, and knew that they were troubled. But he also knew that the boys would share when they could. There were hardly any secrets between them. "Come, we are in the salon. Are you boys hungry?" he asked. "No Pa, we are good. Had something on way," Pai said. Both the boys followed Porche into the family salon. Everyone was present there. All the couples in the house were curled up in different places, and Porche went and took his place next to Kinn and as Kinn put his hands around him, he too snuggled in. Dao sat on a bean bag in the corner, sulking. "What's up Dao? What's up with that face?" Phayu asked. "My poor single heart is quite fed up of all this massive public display of affection," he rolled his eyes. "I mean, my parents! Can you believe that? My own parents!! I am scarred for life!" he said, covering his eyes in mock distress.

Phayu and Pai looked at each other and began laughing. They knew exactly what Dao meant. All their life, they had seen the immense love that their fathers had. They all knew their love stories, and they never failed to enjoy them. So it was not surprising that they wanted the same love when they found their partners. Their parents had never pressured them on finding a particular type of partner, but they themselves had a dream. Finding Rain and Sky had been a huge surprise, because they had been nothing like what Phayu and Pai had imagined their partners would be like.

Pete looked at the pensive faces of his son and his nephew. "What is bothering you guys? Is all okay?" he asked, turning the attention of the rest of the family members to Phayu and Pai. They realised that their boys were looking extremely low. "What is the matter boys?" Vegas asked, concern lacing his voice. "We just..," Pai trailed off. "What is it Pai?" Porche asked. "Well, we just wanted to talk to you," Phayu said. "About what babies?" Pete asked. Phayu and Pai looked at each other, not sure from where to begin. "Are you worried about Rain and Sky?" Thankhun asked. "I think we better start from the beginning," Phayu said. They told their family everything that had happened since the day they had heard about Rain and Sky, up until what had happened today.

"Hmm.. So now what? What do you want to do?" Vegas asked. "Dad, I am starting to fall for him, and I seriously want him in my life. Everything you said the other day about love, I want to feel all that with him. Already I feel so much peace when I see him in front of me. When I heard about what had happened, I almost broke inside. I don't know how to start, how to..," Phayu trailed off, putting his head in his hands. Pete got and went to hug his son, unable to bear Phayu's breaking heart. He looked at Vegas in despair, hating how it felt like there was nothing he could do to help their son.

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