Of demons and desires

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Phayu prowled around the apartment like a caged tiger. At least that's what it had seemed like to Sky and he had whispered that to Pai too, as Pai dragged him out for an impromptu date. Earlier that morning, Rain and Sky had waited for Phayu and Pai outside their classroom. Since everyone in the college knew that they were dating, it was more coy giggles and cute smirks than weird and crazy looks. But after almost a month together with their men, Rain and Sky were used to this behaviour and it didn't bother them anymore. They straightened the moment they saw Phayu and Pai step out with their friends. Phayu had turned around to listen as someone was saying something, so Pai was the first to see them. "Sky! Rain!" he called out and Phayu immediately turned around, the worry clear in his eyes. They both rushed to their boyfriends, and their friends just shook their head at their whipped behaviour.

"How did it go?" Phayu asked, as soon as they reached the younger boys. "Let's go for coffee Phi," Rain said. "Can't you tell us what happened?" Pai asked. "We will Phi, just not here, please?" Sky said. The older boys nodded immediately. They all went to the café near the college. Phayu ordered for all of them and the boys took a table at the farthest corner of the café. Rain and Sky filled Phayu and Pai on everything that had happened at the police station. Rain deliberately left out the part where he had requested to observe the interrogation. Even when Sky tried to bring it up, Rain guided the conversation away. Sky looked at him curiously, but restrained himself from saying anything. "Are you guys okay though, after all this?" Pai asked. "We are fine Phi. And truly glad it's over," Sky said. "But why were you there for so long? I thought you just had to identify them?" Phayu asked. "These things are a process Phi. Can't hurry them," Rain smiled. They soon returned to their classes.


After Rain had left for practice, Phayu and Pai had picked Sky up and returned to the apartment. On the way however, Sky had inadvertently let slip that Rain had observed the interrogation of Gun and Stop. "What? What did you say?" Phayu growled out. Sky mentally facepalmed. He was totally going to get it from Rain. To say that Phayu was furious, would have been something of an understatement. Sky had not quite ever seen someone like that in that way. Phayu's control was incredible. Except for asking what happened, and the tightening of his fingers on the steering wheel, Phayu had shown no outward reaction and had kept quiet during Sky's recounting. But Sky was no one's fool. Years of conditioning had taught him to read the room very well, and he could sense how Phayu's emotions were all over the place, fear being in the top slot.

After that, Phayu had refused to sit, pacing up and down the apartment, almost walking a groove into the carpet. "What is happening Phi?" Sky had whispered to Pai. "Phayu doesn't get angry too quickly, but when he does, it's kind of explosive. And he looks pissed right now," Pai replied. "Is it because of what Rain did?" Sky asked. "I guess. He must have not told Phayu about it before hand. If he had discussed before, maybe Phayu may have not gone off the rails," Pai confided in Sky. "Even I didn't know about it Phi. And Rain usually tells me everything, but this time he just shocked me too. I was not expecting it either Phi. And he didn't even tell me what he saw inside, what he heard. He wouldn't talk about it," Sky said. "What do you think happened Sky?" Pai asked. Sky shook his head, unable to say anything.


Rain walked into the apartment to an agitated Phayu. "Phi, all okay?" he asked. "Where are Sky and P'Pai?" "Rain? What happened at the police station today?" Phayu asked, in a cool voice, reigning in all his emotions. He knew he was not in a good place right now, so he held himself back from just spewing. "We both already told you everything Phi, didn't we?" Rain asked, confused. "Are you sure?" Phayu asked, a bit of his frustration showing. "Of course Phi. I will just shower and come," Rain said, walking to his room. "Rain," Phayu said, his tone a clear indication that something was wrong. Rain turned around. In all the time, he had known Phayu, he had never heard this tone from him. It was a mixture of anger, irritation and disappointment that froze something inside him.

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