Of trials and tribulations - 1

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"I seriously don't know whether to feel relieved that it's gonna end soon, or scared that we will have to face those bastards again!" Rain said, as he lay on Phayu's lap. The four boys had come back to the apartment, and Sky was making a light dinner, while Pai was helping him. Phayu stroked Rain's head. "Of course you should be relieved baby! And as for facing them, you don't have to worry! You both are never going to be alone!" Phayu said. "I actually am more worried about your family Phi," Rain said. "What do you mean baby?" Phayu asked. "Because of us, they are doing so much, going out of their way to help us, and I feel we are burdening them so much," Rain's guilt rang through clearly through his voice. "Rain, we are happy doing what we can for you. And that includes my family. You never have to feel guilty about anything, okay?" Phayu tried to soothe Rain.

"Don't you think we should inform Khun Yayi and Khun Pu about whatever is happening?" Sky asked. "If we do that, they will come here. And then..," Rain trailed off. "Rain, Sky, I know that it's probably very hard for you, but you should get your parents into the loop. Maybe you think they don't care, or that they may not believe you, or even stand by you, but they should be made aware. If this does go to court, if it becomes public, they should not know from a third party," Pai said. "I agree with Pai. And if you think you can't face them directly, call your grandparents over. And we will also come with you, or you can invite them to our home. We will stand by you," Phayu said.

Rain and Sky looked at each other. "I am not telling them," Sky said immediately. "Ai'Satt! Not fair!" Rain pouted. "What? You tell them. I am gutless," Sky grinned at Rain's scrunched face. "I hate you Ai'Sky," Rain said, and turned his face away. "Okay, okay, I will tell them," Rain added, as he sighed, looking at Sky and conceding defeat. "I will call them after dinner. I just hope they don't over-react," Rain said, feeling worried. "Let's Facetime. We can both talk. And we can introduce P'Phayu and P'Pai," Sky said. "What do you mean? Your grandparents already know us," Pai said. Phayu rolled his eyes. 'Sometimes I doubt if we were actually born into the same family. What Sky meant was that they will introduce us as their boyfriends!" he said, laughing at his clueless brother.


"Swasdi Khap Khun Yayi, Khun Pu!" Rain and Sky lovingly greeted their grandparents. Phayu and Pai were putting the kitchen to rights, having decided to give Rain and Sky a few moments alone before going in. "Swasdi Kha my babies! How are you both doing?" Khun Anong asked. "We are good Khun Yayi! How are both of you?" Rain asked. "We are fine darling. Doing great! Your Yayi keeps me on my toes. She is very strict, not giving me food too!" Khun Ananda complained, as Rain and Sky burst out laughing. "Then come to Bangkok Khun Pu, Rain and I will cook for you!" Sky said, giggling happily. "When are you coming Khun Yayi, Khun Pu?" Rain asked, trying to be subtle, but failing miserable. "What happened Rain? Is all okay my dear?" Khun Anong asked immediately.

"We just miss you loads. And we have so much to tell you!" Sky said. "Tell us now babies," Khun Ananda said. "Well, we will tell you one thing now. But the rest, we will tell you when you come to Bangkok, okay?" Rain said. "What is it baby?" Khun Anong asked. By that time, Phayu and Pai had come out of the kitchen, so Sky gestured them forward. "Meet our partners Khun Pu, Khun Yayi. This is P'Phayu, faen Rain, and P'Pai, faen phom," Sky said. Both the older boys waiied. "Khun Yayi, Khun Pu, we are so happy to meet you, even though it's through Facetime," Phayu said, smiling at the older couple. "We are also glad to meet you Phayu and Pai, especially since we can see how happy our babies are," Khun Anong said, with tears in her eyes.

"You better not let our boys cry, both of you," Khun Ananda said. "Now we are definitely coming to Bangkok," Khun Ananda said. "Khun Pu, even if you come, don't tell anyone anything, especially about P'Phayu and P'Pai," Rain said. "Rain, lu, how long do you plan to hide this?" Khun Anong asked. "We will tell them Khun Yayi, but just face to face, please?" Rain replied. "Okay lu, we will fly down tomorrow itself. Is that okay?" Khun Ananda asked. "Khun Pu, Khun Yayi, we request you to stay at our house. Our parents would love to host you," Pai said. "Don't worry lu. Our sons' house is pretty big," Khun Ananda said. "It's not because of that Khun Pu. I think it will just be easier at our house," Phayu said, trying to make them understand what he was saying. "Phayu and Pai are right Phaw. Let's go stay with them," Khun Anong said. "Awesome, we will let our family know," Phayu said.

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