Of dares and dances

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The balmy, humid air of Singapore was a blast in the face as Phayu and Pai got off the private jet. They had left Thailand the moment Uncle Kim had returned from Pranburi in early hours of Friday. Dao had been better after another dose of medicine and had been quite chatty during the little more than 2 hours they had been in the air. However, the presence of Uncle Kim and Uncle Chay had made it impossible for them to ask anything to Dao. They were waiting impatiently to get Dao alone, but they knew the wait was likely to be long. As soon as they reached the 'PhyomPhirun' Resort near Harbour Town, they were greeted by their Papas.

"Okay! Chop, chop! No time! Quickly freshen up, we need to go shopping. Everyone has been waiting for you guys," Porche said. "Paaaaa! We just got here! Can we not rest awhile?" Pai whined. "Nope, not at all. The function starts at 7. We need to be there on time. Some of the most important people in Singapore will be coming for it. We have our prestige to uphold! Now c'mon! Hurry!" Pete said, nudging everyone along. In no time at all, 6 cars left the hotel. Finally Phayu and Pai were alone with Dao, who was talking nineteen to a dozen, excited about the event and the shopping he would get to do.

Phayu and Pai looked at each other. No time like the present. "Who is Kleun?" Pai asked. Dao stopped mid-sentence and stared at his older cousins. The silence stretched. "Umm, he is a classmate," he said. "Just a classmate?" Phayu asked. Dao averted his eyes and gazed unfocused out of the window for a few minutes. Then he shook his head, as he looked back his brothers. He knew them. They were his idols, and he had never hidden anything important from them. Even if had been unable to share with his fathers, he knew that these big brothers of his were his biggest allies. "No Hia, not just a friend, but it's.. umm it's one-sided. He doesn't know how I feel about him, and I want to keep it that way," Dao said, his eyes stricken.

"Why? Why don't you want to tell him you love him? Are you dumb? Everyone in the family will support you, you know that, right?" Phayu said. "It's not my family or his family I am worried about Hia. He comes from a family similar to ours. In fact, you like his elder brothers, so I know that's not going to be an issue," Dao said, his face a riot of emotions. "Then? Then what's the problem Dao?" Pai asked, his voice soft, worried to see his younger brother so distraught. "Hia, I don't want to tell him because.. well because, umm, hehasagirlfriend," Dao said, the last part completely garbled. "Huh? Alai?" Pai asked. "He has a girlfriend?" Phayu asked, at the same time. "Khap Hia. And I don't want to be a 3rd wheel between them. Kleun and I have been friends since middle school. And I can't afford to lose his friendship, I just can't," Dao said, a single tear trickling from his eyes.


The hospital looked grand and beautiful. "Is it a resort or a hospital Pa?" Phayu asked, as they all got down from the cars and stood at the entrance looking at it. "Well, your Papa K went all out with this one," Kim said, laughing. "This is actually not just a hospital, but also offers hospice service, and we wanted patients to feel happy and comfortable for as long as they stay," Kinn said. "But can everyone afford it Dad?" Pai asked, worried. "Don't worry lu. It has free care for those who can't. There are many people like us Pai, who want to give back to the society, and so they provided the funds for the trust that was created for the needy," Porche smiled. He was proud of these sons of the family. They all were. After all, caring for others was what the Theerpanayakuls did best!

"Let's go in. It's 7," Vegas said. Phayu and Pai entered the room behind their fathers, and their eyes first fell on a group of people standing just beside the entrance. They could not believe their eyes! Rain and Sky? Why were they here? Were they not supposed to be at their grandparents' home? "Khun Vegas, Khun Kinn, all of you! How wonderful to see you! Thank you for coming!" a man bustled up to them and waiied. "Khun Chen, it's wonderful to see you again!" the Theerpanayakuls waiied in return. "Please come! I was waiting for you! Let me introduce you to some of our esteemed guests from today!" he said, and the family followed.

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