Of cupcakes and crushes

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Sky walked into the Student Council room holding a big bag, along with daily Uni paraphernalia. He had asked Rain to take his stuff, but he had realised that Rain had practice that day with the band. He had got a mail from the music club the previous night, asking them to join the Freshmen Band as the lead guitarist, and Sky and he had celebrated by making more cupcakes, because Sky had clearly finished quite a few that Rain had made before. He was struggling a bit when someone asked him, "Nong, can I help you carry something?" Sky turned around to see Pai and Phayu standing there. "Thank you Phi, I am okay," he said. "Clearly you are not Nong," Phayu said, taking the bigger bag from him. "Thank you once again Phi," Sky waiied to both of them.

Phayu kept the bag he had taken from Sky on the seat that he was supposed to occupy. "Umm, Phi Khap?" Sky said. "Khap?" Phayu asked. "That's not mine. I mean, it is mine, but it's for everyone," he said. "Can I open it then?" Phayu asked. "Sure Phi. Please open it, and take one," he said. Pai came up when he saw Phayu open the bag. Phayu took the box out and opened it. "Oh my God! Wow! These look amazing!" Pai said, taking one look at the gorgeous cupcakes in the box. "Did you make these Nong?" Phayu asked. "No Phi. My friend did. He makes amazing stuff," Sky said proudly. "Weyicavoufoda," Pai said, speaking around the bite he had just taken. Sky looked puzzled at Phayu. "He said 'Well, I can vouch for that.' He has the habit of eating and talking Nong. Forgive him," Phayu laughed.

"Seriously though Nong, these are amazing!" Pai said, after he finished it. "What flavour is it? I have never had something quite like it," Phayu added. "It's caramel custard cupcakes Phi," Sky said, smiling at the two older men. "Wow! What is all this deliciousness?" Som asked, as he entered the room with the other Council members. "Please have some Phi. My friend made it, to thank you all for letting me join the Council," Sky said. "These are amazing Sky!" Sam said. "Sky? Who is Sky?" Aya asked. "I am Sky Phi. Thupfah is my whole name. Sky is what everyone calls me," he said smiling. "So we can also call you Sky then?" Marine asked. "Of course Phi!" he said. "Did Rain make these?" Sam asked. Sky nodded.

"I swear Sky. I am really surprised you are not as fat as a pig ya! How do you survive Rain's cooking?" Sam asked. Sky started to laugh. "Rain? As in Varain? The entry into the football team from the faculty of Architecture?" Som asked. "Khap Phi. You know him?" Sky said. "My sister keeps talking about him. Our whole family knows of her not so secret crush on him!" Som laughed, as did Sky. Phayu held his breath. They were talking about his Rain! Maybe he couldn't get Rain, but he wanted no one else to have him either. "He will be honoured to know that Phi!" Sky laughed. "Then I should tell her to hit on him," Som said. "Is she not already Phi?" "She is?" Som asked, sounding a bit shocked. "Phi, Rain already had at least half our faculty hitting on him. And now since the football try-outs, he has admirers from other faculties too. She has to be in a rather long queue!" Sky said, looking absolutely delighted. "You look entirely too happy at your friend's predicament," Marine said, laughing cheerfully. "Well yeah Phi! I can tease him as much as I want with so much information in my hand!" Sky said. Phayu and Pai looked at each other, the same thought running through their head. The way Sky spoke about Rain, it didn't seem like he was talking about his partner. The two boys were extremely confused by now.


"Finally! Done for the week! Sky, Sam, please pass on the information that we have discussed today to the individual faculty representatives. You can decide a day of the week that will be comfortable for everyone and convene a meeting. Not Mondays obviously, but no later than Wednesday, so that there is no delay in passing messages between the main council and the faculty councils. I hope everything is clear?" Aya asked. "Phi, do the meetings have to be face-to-face? Can't we create a group on LINE?" Sam asked. "You can, like we have. But it would be better if they get to see their leaders at least once a week na?" Som asked. "Kha Phi, we will do that then," she said. Sky and she got up to leave. "And Sky?" Phayu called out. "Khap Phi?" he replied. "Please thank your friend for the lovely cupcakes," he said. "Of course Phi!" he smiled, as they all left the room.

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