Of firsts and fights

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Both Rain and Phayu did not utter a word on the drive as Rain navigated through the traffic, driving towards his apartment. They didn't need to say anything. But Rain could feel the anger pumping out of Phayu. He didn't know how to calm him down, and since he knew anything he said would not necessarily be taken how he meant it, he decided to restrain himself. Although they were boyfriends, and Rain was sure that Phayu loved him, they were still in the 'learning about each other' stage.

Phayu continued to stare out of the window, completely unfocused, not realising where they were until Rain parked in the basement parking of their building. "C'mon Phi, let's go," Rain said, as he opened the passenger side door. "Am I now getting the 'Princess' treatment?" he asked, a small smile escaping him. "Nope! This is called the 'Royal Boyfriend' treatment," he said, putting his arm through Phayu's. Couple of minutes later, they were in Rain's apartment. "Sit Phi, let me get you something to drink. I think we should have at least fresh water. Everything else will have to be thrown away. We haven't been here for more than a week," Rain kept talking as he moved around the kitchen, setting some things out, and then opening a cupboard for a glass.

He bumped squarely into Phayu's broad chest as he turned around, and found himself trapped between Phayu and the sink. He looked up at Phayu. Phayu took the glass from him and kept it aside. "Are you trying to make me feel better?" he asked. Rain nodded, still looking into Phayu's eyes. "I can find better ways to make me feel better," Phayu said. "And what are they?" Rain asked, moving closer to Phayu, and slipping his arms around his boyfriend's waist. "Maybe you can kiss me," Phayu said. Rain threw his head back and laughed. "Isn't that the whole reason why you are upset and we are in my apartment in the middle of the day, instead of attending classes?" he asked, continuing to grin at Phayu.

"Rain, are you upset about that?" Phayu asked. "Not at all Phi. But I was the one who pulled you into it, so I should be asking you that," Rain said, looking a bit worried. "Rain, being kissed by my boyfriend is definitely not a problem," Phayu smiled. "But your face was clearly visible in the video, whereas mine was blurred out. I don't understand why she did that," Phayu said, looking pissed again. Rain stroked his fingers down Phayu's cheek, rubbing them back and forth, trying to calm Phayu down. "Chayein Phi. We need not care about what she did. She was just blowing off stem, because I refused her," Rain said, smiling at Phayu, now rubbing his thumb back and forth on Phayu's lips.

Phayu looked at Rain. He was sure that Rain didn't even realise that he was staring at Phayu's lips almost he wanted to devour them. Rain moved forward mesmerised. Phayu met him halfway, as they both kissed. It was just a simple kiss, and they broke apart and stared at each other again. This time Phayu opened Rain's lower lip with his thumb, and stroked it. Then it was almost as if they couldn't wait. Their lips smashed together, kissing ferociously. Phayu's tongue swept into Rain's mouth taking complete possession, as Rain did the same to Phayu. Both their tongues battled for supremacy, neither ready to give in. Phayu broke the kiss, and kissed his way down Rain's neck, unbuttoning his shirt, as Rain did the same to Phayu. Both of them moaned as cool hands touched hot skin.

"Phiiiii," Rain dug his fingers into Phayu's shoulders as Phayu touched his cock through his clothes. Phayu unbuckled Rain's belt and unzipped his pants. He kissed his way down Rain's chest, suckling around his navel, leaving a mark, like he had been doing all over. He dipped his tongue inside, and Rain bucked as he pushed his hand into Phayu's hair snapping the band that held the man bun. Phayu drew Rain's pants and inner down, and freed his cock. And immediately licked the pre-cum from between the folds. Rain bucked again, pulling Phayu's head closer and moaning involuntarily. That's all the encouragement Phayu needed, as he took Rain into his mouth. He sucked hard, using his mouth as suction and gently squeezing his balls. The play on his balls, and the hot wet cavern of Phayu's mouth was absolutely too much for him.

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