Of secrets and sorries

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"Good morning Dao," Rain slipped into the seat beside him. Immediately one of the maids bustled forward with a plate for him. No one else was there except for Dao, because he had homeroom early in the morning, and Rain was a habitually early riser. Rain took some breakfast from the buffet set up. "So, we didn't get a chance to talk last night. Care to tell me what is on your mind?" he asked. "Nothing much Phi," Dao replied. "No need of Phi. Hia is fine. Isn't that what you call P'Phayu?" Rain asked. Dao nodded. "Then Hia is fine for me too," Rain grinned. "So now that that's settled, tell me what is bothering you. We are all alone here, and I promise I will not share it with anyone, unless you give me the go ahead," Rain said, smiling at the boy, who reminded him so much of his own brother.

"Hia.. umm..," Dao began, hesitating. "Dao, tell me only if you are comfortable. If you think I am being nosy, you can ask me to butt out," Rain grinned. "I like someone Hia," Dao blurted out. "Wow! That's nice. So why does that make you sad?" Rain asked. "Because he has a girlfriend Hia," Dao said, his voice soft. "He?" Dao nodded. "And is he happy with that girl?" Rain asked. "I think so Hia. But you see? The girl is cheating on him Hia, and he is blind to it. Our whole group knows it, only he doesn't get it. All of us have tried telling him, but I guess he just doesn't want to understand. And it's breaking my heart Hia. I just.. I just don't know what to say to him. He is not just the boy I love, but also my bestest friend Hia," Dao said, a single tear rolling down his face.

Rain pulled him close and hugged him. "Dao," he said, looking at the boy. "I know it's really hard. And in such matters, especially when friends and their feelings are involved, we must proceed with caution. And later on, if he understands also, he may not be able to accept you, because he may feel you told him because you liked him. So best is, leave it for now Dao. I am pretty sure he will realise on his own. And believe me, it's better that way, right?" Rain asked. "I agree Hia, but I hate to see him hurt and sad," Dao said. "I know, and I know that you are worried about him too, but sometimes, there are some things which we have to accept and move on. The wise always find the courage to do that. I am not going to tell you to give up on him, but I am definitely going to tell you to back off for now. If you push him too much, you will lose him forever. And.. I know this is not something you want to hear, but I think you should distance yourself from him," Rain said.

"What do you mean Hia?" Dao asked. "Dao, you are his best friend, you also love him, and you also know that his girlfriend is cheating on him. This means that, inadvertently, you have been clinging to him. That needs to stop. Be cool to him, and step away," Rain said. Dao looked thoughtful. "I agree Hia. Thank you so much for everything. And can you not tell anyone about this for now?" Dao asked, as they heard noises coming towards the dining room. Rain nodded, and by the time Phayu entered with everyone, all that they saw were two very cute boys, laughing and giggling over a shared joke. Dao left soon after, giving Rain a pleading look, and Rain returned it with a smile.


"Let's meet for lunch?" Phayu asked Rain and Sky as they got out from their car. Pai and he had already been waiting for them. "You guys drove like the devil was behind you," Sky complained. "You were not driving like that yesterday?" Rain interjected. "Well, obviously. Yesterday, we were carrying very precious cargo," Pai said, smirking at Sky and getting a smack on his head for his efforts. He grinned hugely. "Are you seriously smiling at the hit I gave you? Have I finally shaken something loose inside?" Sky wondered. Pai shrugged, as Phayu burst out into laughter. "Alai? What's so funny Phi?" Rain asked wonderingly. "It's the love languages of our Papas. So it feels nice to get that from you! Makes us feel loved," Pai said cheekily. Rain and Sky burst out laughing.

"Rain." All of them turned around at Rain's name being called. "Ple?" Sky said. He was now started to get irritated with her. Phayu and Pai looked furious. Sky had told Pai about what had happened in college the day before, and Pai had informed Phayu. Even though Rain was keeping his patience as much as possible, he was also starting to get annoyed. "Rain, can I talk to you?" she said. Phayu immediately slipped his hand into Rain's. Ple noticed that, and her face tightened. "What is it Ple?" Rain asked softly. He could feel the anger being exuded from his three companions, but there was no way he could talk rudely to anyone, much less a girl!

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