September Uprising in Bulgaria 14-29 September 1923

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Blagoev, the founder of the BCP and its affiliation to the Comintern was an opponent of the failed September Uprising, believing that conditions were not ripe for a revolution in Bulgaria at that time

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Blagoev, the founder of the BCP and its affiliation to the Comintern was an opponent of the failed September Uprising, believing that conditions were not ripe for a revolution in Bulgaria at that time.

excerpt of the Imprecor of the Comintern

1923, Nr. 61, page 684

Raging reaction in Bulgaria

B. Lukoff - Sofia

Reaction and White terror continue to rage in Bulgaria. The government which seized power during the last upheaval has lost all influence among the masses of the population, and is striving to maintain itself per medium of Terrorism and ruthless reaction. The distrust of the government and the bourgeoisie felt by the working masses, is to be drown in blood. Already the government is openly taking steps to exterminate its opponents, either by shooting them "while attempting to escape", by sending Fascist punitive expeditions to various towns and villages, or by having resource to "justice", which pronounces innumerable death sentences.

The court of justice convened iun Plevna to try the "robbers", has already pronounced its terrorist verdict. Without haveing the slightest proof of guilt laid before it, tis court of exceptional law condemned four communists, Comrades Kazamunsky, Aronoff, Raikoff and Halatsheff, to death by hanging. Comrade Halatsheff head already been tortured zo death in prison. In order to conceal this shameful deed, the government enacted a disgraceful farce, announcing that Halatsheff had "escaoped" and was condemned to death in his absence. Comrade Zonkoff, mayor of the town of Plevna, and Comrade Gradinaroff, deputy mayour of the town, were sentenced to imprisonment for life; 7 other comrades were condemned to 12 1/2 years of hard labour. Besides this, all thiose under sentence have to pay a fine of 250 000 leva. The object of these sentences is abvious: The communist movement is to be strangled here were it is strongest, and Terror is to be employed in dealing with the masses ibn the country who follow the Communist Party.

The government has still further similar trials in preparation, and is contriving similar verdicts. In August 24, the trials in Sevlievo began. 40 Communists from Gabrovo having been charged according to the law "against robbery". The state attorney demands the death sentence for ten of these comrades, and many years of hard labour for the others.

And this is not enough: The government, thursting for blood nd vengeance, makes use of the Office for Public Safety for the purpose of sending out bands of well armed civiliansd into the Provinces. Some of these bands, who regard it as there sole task to persecute active communists throughout the country, and to ill-treat and murder them, commit their despicable crimes in the guise of Macedonian rebels.

A band of this description appeared in the town of Berkovitza, where they lodged at an inn, loafed about the bars during the day, and forced their way, armed, into the communists' homes at night, arresting and ill-treating them. The Communists arrested by this band were brought to the inn to be "examined" by a "committee", and were there fettered and tortured to death. A few of the Comrades hunted by this band succeeded in hiding thenselves. The result of this was that the brutes ill-treated the wiuves and children of those thes sought, in order to force them to tell where their husbands and fathers were. They threatened to kill the hidden comrades' dependents, threw their furniture into the yards and burnt it, and threatened to burn down their houses if they did not appear before a certain time.

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