History of Red (Anti-War) Day

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Long live the Red (Anti-War) Day !

The day of the international class-struggle against imperialist wars!

"Turn the rifles to the warmongers!"

"War against imperialist war!"

What is the universal law of the imperialist wars ?

We Stalinist-Hoxhaists define this universal law as follows:

"The imperialist war is the inevitable periodic redistribution of the world by the continuation of the imperialist policy through military means.

In other words:

The imperialist war is the inevitable sequel to the economical-political struggle of the imperialists for world domination by military means."

Join the Red Anti-War Day !



Appeal of the US-Section of the Comintern (SH)

War Against Imperialist War !

Red Anti-War day is a communist holiday that we celebrate every year on September 1st in commemoration of the start of the Second World War. In counting the numerous crimes of imperialism the imperialist wars ranks near the top. During the reign of exploiting classes Millions of lives have been ended for nothing more than to fatten the pockets of the capitalists. The Communists have always stood in opposition to the wars of imperialism while the same time not stooping into petty bourgeoisie pacifism which denounces violence absolutely and stands as the "loyal opposition" to the imperialist wars.

The Anti-War Days of the past year have been of great importance, not just in regards to Ukraine (which has received the majority of attention due to it being the center point between the clashes of East and West Imperialism) but also in regards to the North African situation which theaters on the brink of war and finally there is the brinkmanship between China and America in the Pacific to add on top of this the climate crisis is exasperating resource tensions. All of these factors have led to an extremely volatile situation. Any one of these things could tip the balance towards a Third World War and the working people of the world know it. These past years we have seen a massive revival in the anti-war struggle but this struggle must be conducted in the correct direction. Comrades, we are not the hippies of the 1960's who proclaim themselves to be "against war" while at the same time denouncing socialist revolution as "authoritarian" we have made our position plainly clear the only way to abolish war is through the establishment of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat on a world scale, this will be the final war, a war against all of the warmongers and their lackeys and only after the victorious world Socialist revolution only then can we set about building Communism and forever religating wars to the history books. So to you the proletarian Anti-War activists we call on you to support our party abandoned the petty bourgeoisie pacifist parties (if we wait for them to end wars we will be waiting for millions of years) and come to us

Join the Red World Front

Join the Communist International (Stalinist-Hoxhaist)

1 September 1939-1. September 2022




In Ukraine, as in all other imperialist war zones, the Comintern (SH) is not only concerned with the aim of replacing war with peace, but with the aim of linking the ending of the war with the revolutionary replacement of world capitalism with world socialism.

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