Hitler Fascism Seizes Power 30th of January 1933

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Long Live the Global Red Fighting Day against World Fascism!


of the Comintern (SH)

and the Red Front Fighters' League

for the

International Red Fighting Day

against World Fascism

- 2024 -

Death to World Fascism !

Long live World Communism !

Today is the international day of struggle against world fascism in reference to the historic date of the seizure of power by Hitler fascism on 30 January 1933.

We call on all anti-fascists to smash their anti-fascist fist into the face of the Israeli Zionists on this day!

Death to Zionism!

Long live the solidarity of anti-fascists all over the world with the liberation of the Palestinian people !

How to fight against Zionism ?

1) Whoever wants to smash Zionism must also smash the anti-Semitism of the Allah-fascists.

2. as a proletarian anti-fascist, you cannot side with one fascist in order to defeat the other fascists. Every kind of fascism is a link in the world fascist system.

3) Zionism must be seen in its world fascist dimension and must be defeated accordingly with the weapon of proletarian internationalism. This anti-Zionist weapon was forged by the 5 classics of Marxism-Leninism and has been sharpened today by the Comintern (SH).

4) Zionism can only be stopped and eradicated by the anti-fascist ideology of the world proletariat, by Stalinism-Hoxhaism.

5) Zionism is a dangerous variant of the ideology of world fascism, an ideology of war, racism and genocide. At the moment, Zionism serves as an ideological justification for the brutal extermination of the Palestinian people. And in this bloody way, Zionism continues to strive for Israel's imperialist domination of the entire Middle East.

6) Zionism is the ideology of striving for Jewish world domination, is the ideology of the "superiority of the Jewish race" over all other races in the world and thus in essence no different from the racial ideology of the Nazis about the "chosen" Aryan race, which strived for world domination with the Second World War.

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Why are people taking to the streets against fascism today?

All over the world - and not least in Israel itself - people are currently taking to the streets en masse against fascism in their own country. This is a good sign and a step in the right direction. But it can only be a start, a shake-up in the direction of the indispensable anti-fascist revolution of the working class, which is a socialist revolution in terms of its goal and content.

For it must not be ignored that the current upsurge of the mass movement against fascism is under the reactionary influence of the bourgeoisie and therefore far from being under the revolutionary influence of the proletariat.

The Comintern (SH) is fighting to strengthen the red world front against fascism. And the class struggle will decide the outcome in the future. Only one anti-fascism can win: either bourgeois or proletarian anti-fascism. We are fighting for the defeat of bourgeois anti-fascism and for the victory of proletarian anti-fascism.

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