Egyptian Revolution March 1919

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Greeting Message of the Egyptian Section of the Comintern (SH) on occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Egyptian Revolution

March 1919

Long Live the liberation struggle of our people

- from destruction of capitalism

to construction of socialism!

Let us crown the Egyptian Revolution of 1919 with the victory of the socialist revolution in Egypt and all over the Arab world

Like these days and from 100 years ago, starting from March 1919, the whole popular masses of Egypt started the spark that burned the whole of Egypt and the patriotic movement in the Arab countries for years!

Not a long time after the victory of the Bolshevik Revolution led by Lenin and Stalin, not only Egypt but the whole colonialist system was shaken to the death due to the actual revolutionary influence of the Bolsheviks and the Comintern which instructed world proletariat and the oppressed peoples of the world towards the salvation, in Asia, in Africa, in America, Everywhere!

Egypt was thrown in the hell of the battlefield of the national liberation war.

But before it there was a lot of events that led to the great event of 1919 which was the start and the great influencing event on even a lot of Arabic countries and an example for the revolution, like in Morroco and in Syria, in Libya and the Arabic countries in general.

The 1919 Revolution was an event in the whole process of the development in Egypt and even in the Arab countries.

Egypt, before everything, was just a state owned to the Ottoman Empire oppressed by the Mamalek and feudal lords, but everything has changed starting from the Industrial-Eductational Revolution which Mohamed Ali Pasha the pioneer of the Egyptian and the Arab League bourgeoisie have achieved and later lost it due to the European capitalist pressure which was on Egypt and threatening it.

Ali despite anything was a revolutionary national man even though he wasn't Egyptian, nor Arab, but he declared opposition and rebelled on Egypt's lands and swiftly have taken the power and crushed all the old powers of Mamalek and landlords and made a state-monoply policies and land laws state ownership etc.

The genuis Marx himself described Egypt at this time of Ali as "the only viable part in the Ottoman Empire."(Marx, K., 1965: 231) - Marx, K. (1965). War in Burma-the Russian question-Curious diplomatic correspondence. In The Complete Works of Marx and Engels (Vol. 9), Beijing: People's Publishing House.

All the acheviments of the Egpytian bourgeoisie didn't last for a long time because there was a rising development for the capitalist development in the old capitalist countries which is known as imperialism.

So, one of the laws of the capitalist laws appeared and Egypt that the brutal competition of capitalism should't leave not alive from little and new capitalist countries like Egypt, and if the European capitalist countries left Ali leading Egypt and the Arab League growing it would be a threatening for them and their markets which was influenced by a great harm because Ali's state monopoly's policies didn't allow to import a lot of products from the outside and to stand on the country's own legs from resources and productions also to export products more than importing and thus to conquer markets.

By the time, and when the Egyptian armies reached to the Ottoman's Capital and the Ottomanic Sultan already surrendered and he went to seek help from the European capitalist countries whom have seen Egypt and the whole Arabic countries and all of the former Ottoman states as a cake that will be divided after the death of the "old man of the Bosphorus".

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