Taft-Hartley Act; The Labor Management Relations Act of 1947

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"Slave-Labor Bill"

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"Slave-Labor Bill"

June 23, 1947

Smash the Taft-Hartley Act !

Fight the Slave Labor Law !

The RILU fights for the liberation of the working class from wage slavery laws!

The Taft-Hartley Act is a Slave-Labor Bill, a tool of the capitalists to enslave the working class and its unions. It is an instrument of anti-communism. It serves to purge communists from the workplaces and the unions, thereby weakening the fighting strength of the revolutionary workers leaders and isolating them from the union members. The Taft-Hartley Act was a milestone in the transformation of the unions into agents of the capitalists against the workers. The social fascist character of the yellow unions consisted in hunting down the last remaining revolutionary spirit within the unions, banishing the class struggle from the union, nipping in the bud any attempt to organise a revolutionary opposition within the yellow unions, expulsion of revolutionary workers from the unions etc. This Act encouraged police violence, labor spies and provocation—union smashing, strike busting and injunctions.

Capital - State - Trade Union Bosses

Destroy the triple alliance against the working class !

Truman was in words "against" this law but in deeds he subsequently used it against the workers for more than twelve times during his presidency:

"Everybody thinks I am pro-labor, and I am—but they've [labor leaders] gone too far in many, many ways. I'm convinced Taft-Hartley is a pretty good law. I've had a head count made on the Hill, and I know that if I veto it my veto's going to be overridden. So we're going to have a pretty good law on the books in spite of my veto, and if I veto it, I'm going to have labor support in the election next year."

Truman supports labor leaders who fight against communism.

(1947 - Truman's "pro-labor" Doctrine)

After the bloody strikes of the 1920's and 1930's and the rumblings of a new wave of hard strikes in the 1940's the bourgeoisie moblized their "lawmaker" lackeys to strike at the heart of American Unions. The law that the bourgeoisie swine proposed was the Taft-Hartley Labor Management Relations Act of 1947. This law would forbid all but the most yellow of union activity, no more wildcat strikes, juristical strikes, solidarity actions, political strikes, mass picketing, ect ect and finally no Union official could even be sympathetic to the cause of workers revolution. This act was dubbed by workers "The Slave Labor Act" it pulled whatever teeth the yellow unions still had right out of their mouths.

But how did the Unionists and Communists respond to this ?

Most of the Unions were already yellow, anti-communist progroms in the 1930's and drummed most of the Communists out of the unions, the Red International of Trade unions had also been discarded due to Dimitrov's betrayal. The union action amounted to limp appeals to Truman to veto the law, which of course he did not despite his promises to do so.

The Communist party due to the extreme Dimitrovite betrayal of Browder who disbanded the party and threw away much of its support and the Dimitrovite leaning of the new party leader W.Z. Foster the CPUSA was unable to mount an effective opposition to this blow by the bourgeoisie, there were valiant efforts for the Communists to prevent the passing of the "Slave labor act" but ultimently their actions did not prevail.

American Unions and Mass action as a whole have still not recovered from the 1947 act. Today the worker only knows the despised yellow union and knows nothing of real red union action. "Protests" in America must be carefully planned out with the local government or face the batons and "less lethal" bullets of the police.

Comrades this shit situation has stood for too long.

We must build up and support the Red International of the Labour Unions and the Communist International (Stalinist-Hoxhaist) in the United States.

Death to the Bourgeoisie !

Death to their fascist lackies !

Forward to the dictatorship of the proletariat !

American workers join the Red World Front !

Fight Taft-Hartley Act !

Fight against Capitalism !

Fight for Communism !

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