Warsaw Ghetto Uprising 1943

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80 years ago,

an uprising of Jewish conspirators broke out in the Warsaw Ghetto,

which was being liquidated by the fascists.

Of greatest importance in organizing and leading the uprising were two armed groups - the Jewish Combat Organization and the Jewish Military Union.

The latter formation was composed of soldiers and officers of the pre-war Polish Army who were of Jewish descent and staunch revisionist Zionists. It collaborated with the Home Army, that is, minions of Anglo-American imperialism. Certainly, the Comintern (SH) can condemn this organization and not put them on a par with the real anti-fascist fighters of the proletariat.

The situation with the ZOB is much more complicated. To understand what this militia was, we must go back to March 1942. It was then that the Anti-Fascist Bloc was created, which was supposed to unite the communists with the , "leftist" Zionists. The Central Committee of the Polish Workers' Party was responsible for creating the bloc. Boleslaw Bierut was still in the USSR at the time, and Wladyslaw Gomulka was gaining more and more power in the party. The Anti-Fascist Bloc was to be a typical creation of the tactics of Dmitrov's , "people's front" (who was still at the head of the already completely degenerated Comintern). The non-Marxist-Leninist structure of the wing is also evidenced by the fact that it was already smashed by the Gestapo between May and September of the same year. On July 28, 1942, former members of the Anti-Fascist Bloc, the anti-Bolshevik Bund party and its Cukunft youth group, Zionists from Poale Zion and other , "leftists" formed the Jewish Fighting Organization. Mordechai Anielewicz became its commander. Let's stop at his biography and that of other leaders of the ŻOB.

In the 1930s, Anielewicz belonged to Betar (a fascist Jewish youth group whose members were trained in Benito Mussolini's Italy (!)) and then to the social-chauvinist Ha-Shomer Ha-Cair. After the outbreak of war, he tried unsuccessfully to escape to Romania. He was active in the Anti-Fascist Bloc. After taking command of the ZOB, he tried to establish an alliance with the aforementioned ZZW.

Another important figure in the ZOB was Marek Edelman. He was the son of the SS man Natan Felix. He was active in the Cukunft and the Bund. He survived the war. He enjoyed the favor of the revisionist Polish authorities - Prime Minister Jozef Cyrankiewicz arranged for him to work at the Nikolai Pirogow Hospital in Lodz. However, he was "ungrateful" to them, as he belonged to the Committee for the Defense of Workers and the Solidarity movement. He participated in the deliberations of the Round Table. He was a steadfast apologist for the Western camp of world imperialism, as he called for NATO interference in Kosovo and supported the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Anielewicz's deputy, on the other hand, was Yitzhak Cukierman. He held senior positions in the nationalist He-Chalutz federation. After the liberation of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus by the Red Army in 1939, he organized anti-Soviet conspiracy organizations in those areas. He was an advocate of cooperation with the Home Army, although, as he claimed: , "We were also unnecessary to them in the partisans - as Jews, we were expendable everywhere. True, they offered us to go to the partisans, but then they killed us. Also in the partisans they killed us - the partisans themselves."

With such a command, the Jewish Fighting Organization could not fight against Nazi fascism, in the spirit of liberation of the Jewish working masses, for the self-determination of the Jewish people, for a socialist Israel in a socialist world. The very decision to launch the uprising was spontaneous, and there was not even a shadow of hope for victory.

Despite this, we honor the unforgettable heroism of the Jews who took up arms to take revenge on the Nazis for the wrongs and humiliations of their sisters and brothers. We also commemorate the heroes of the People's Guard, who, guided by proletarian internationalism, tried in every way to support the insurgents. Let the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising be a lesson to the Jewish and world proletariat that without the leadership of a Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist-Hoxhaist party, and only with a popular front full of social-fascist and social-chauvinist elements, it is impossible to carry out an armed socialist revolution or to eliminate the threat of fascism and war.

Create Israel's Section of Comintern (SH)!

Long live the solidarity of the Polish and Jewish proletariat!

Death to world fascism and imperialist war!

Long live proletarian internationalism!

Long live Comintern (SH)!

Polish Section

19 April 2023

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