Liberation of Warsaw 17.01.1945

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In the summer of 1944 the troops of the 1st Belorussian front in the area of Brest came to the border of the Soviet Union. The liberation of Poland from Nazi occupation. About how it happened, and which witnessed the soldiers and commanders of the Red Army during the liberation of Poland – in a new unique historical project of the official website of the Ministry of defense of Russia.

The declassified documents are shown numerous facts positive attitude of the Polish population and the clergy to the Red Army, about the participation of poles in the graves of Soviet soldiers killed during the liberation of Poland, about their promises to immortalise the exploits of the Red Army memorials and monuments, testament to the care which they will pass on through the generations.

Memoranda and reports of political management bodies of the Red Army have been cases of mass destruction, robbery and torture of the Polish population by the Nazis, the destruction of the invaders of settlements, industrial facilities and cultural heritage.

Documented evidence of the caring attitude of the command of units and formations of the Red Army to the transport infrastructure of Poland.

The numbers of references of bodies manning talk about the loss of just one of the 1st Ukrainian front for one month of active fighting for the liberation of Poland.

In the reference operational management of the headquarters of the 1st Belorussian front were the Red Army soldiers of the Warsaw uprising.

In the report of the commander of the troops of the 1st Belorussian front marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Zhukov to the chief of Joseph Stalin witnessed the attitude of the inhabitants of the Polish cities Soviet troops, condition of the liberated cities and industrial facilities in the Western part of Poland.

Combat report of headquarters of the 1st Belarusian front on the exit to the border, 18 July 1944

«The troops of the 1st Byelorussian front during 18.07.44 on the right wing part of the forces went on the offensive, pulling artillery and replenishing their stocks. Overcoming the increased resistance of the enemy and reflecting portions of the counterattack, the advancing progressed from 10 to 25 km, fully mastered the forests of Belovezhskaya Pushcha and formations of the cavalry mechanised group reached the state border of the USSR North-West of Brest»

Combat report of headquarters of the 1st Belarusian front on the operational situation on the Brest and the Holm direction, 20 July 1944

«Troops of the 1st Belorussian front in the first half of the day 20.07.44 continued the attack on Brest and Chomsky directions. On the Brest direction of the advancing part, overcoming resistance to fire and reflecting portions of the counterattacks of the enemy, moved to () km Chomsky direction – the troops of the front, successfully developing the offensive, came to the river. Bug – the State border of the USSR, on the front of Zabuzhzhya, Korytnica and sections of the advance units crossed the river».

Telegram of the Union of Polish patriots the command of the first division named after T. Kosciuszko, 17 November 1943

Telegram of the Union of Polish patriots, signed by Wanda Wasilewska from 17.11.1943 years (the original Polish language and translation).

«...His heroic combat exploits you built a bridge, connecting us with the brotherly people, with which we want to live in harmony and friendship in the coming great years of construction after the final joint victory over the enemy».

The appeal of the Military Council of the 1 Polish Army to the compatriots, 1 July 1944

The appeal of the Military Council of the Polish Army in the USSR to compatriots in the country. Published in the newspaper «Free Polish» 01.07.1944, Translated from Polish.

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