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70 Years on Cairo's burning

Dear comrades,

In the former January which passed, came the 70th anniversary of a historical event in Egypt's modern history that was near from declaring the bourgeoisie military fascist republic which stands still until this moment.

There's many questions which goes around the Cairo's burning, who did it and for what reason, etc etc. but in reality when we put the political matters and questions side by side and in it's proper place, we understand that the counter-revolutionary forces of the bourgeoisie and Imperialist terrorism wanted to seize the authority again for itself, and it had many motives 70 year ago.

For in this year, the bourgeoisie Wafd party was near from getting the national independence, and because the English didn't like the idea of the Egyptian independence, they wanted to delay it more and more as they did in both world wars, and they maneuvered greatly to stop it, and wanted to make the Egyptian government fall in a political awkwardness and crisis, for this event was totally planned, the investigation of Wafd said that these gangs which did this disaster was highly trained and have used a very modern tools for it's time.

The weak souls of Lumpen-proletarians have participated too in this, and the English occupation have bought these elements after corrupting them with poverty and exploitation, and there's also many claims about Political movements which participated in these events like The Muslims Brotherhood (Islamist Bourgeoisie Fascists), the Free Sargents (Army Factions of Fascists and Social Fascists), The Young Egypt (Fascist Movement which took it's support from Mussolini and had it's paramilitary organization), The Iron Guard (A Monarchist - Fascist Organization which was defending Farouk's Interests), and many more movements.

And the damage caused by this horrible event was a disastrous one, for more than 700 shops were burned, with casinos, hotels, offices and clubs, that of Shekorel, Omar Afandi, and many more offices which is that of cooperates, flats, etc etc.

Those who have died were nearly 50 to - 60 ones, their majority are Egyptians, and many became unemployed and marginalized and poor.

This event was an ignite, a great one and an alarm for an immediate change and that's what happened, for after this event many Egyptians have became Fedayeen "Martyrists" who fought in many regions to liberate the homeland.

This event of burning Cairo, was done by England and it's lackeys in Egypt, and it was used as a last failing card after it have failed and tried to destroy the dignity of the Egyptian people, and to divide him with religions, and many many more colonial rude plays that wasn't of use for the Egyptians.

We remind ourselves with the many lessons which the Egyptian criminals have learned to deal with the crisis, like that which takes place at the moment, we are seeing the matters of "national unity" reigns upon the class unity which is necessary among the sons and daughters of the Egyptian working people, for when finally the Egyptian people have "won" an independence even if it's a superficial one that didn't remain for a long time until it transformed for a slavery that's way worse than ever before, The Egyptian masters who came from our skin that there's no way else to break the revolution but to divide the people and spreading terror among them and letting the bullies and the lumpen loose.

What happened in the 25 of January is not far away from us, for we only need to recall this state of paranoia and "burning" which was caused by the Egyptian criminal media, and the Egyptian authority of criminals with it's Armies and Police and their lackeys from the lumpen scums, for this state of random criminality no one does it but when he is sure that his end is near, the English colonialists have done this because they felt and sensed their end, and the Egyptian criminals and butchers have done it too, in order to destroy the people and torture them.

Today, and after 70 years we are learning from these valuable lessons in our national and class modern history.

We would like to send for the courts those who were responsible for this disaster and all of the problems caused by the colonialists and to smash all of the Egyptian bourgeoisie class which collaborated with the colonialist-Imperialists and have given them all of our wealth without shedding blood, and on a golden plate.

Down with the Imperialist Terror and the Local Bourgeoisie's Terror

Long Live the Red Proletarian Terror - the Thorn of the World proletarian Revolution!

The 70th anniversary of Cairo's Burning will remain forever to teach us how to fight the terror with the political class organization of the proletarians and the masses of the Egyptian working people!

Long live the avenging for those who were harmed from the colonization of Egypt and the vengeance from those who collaborated with the foreign occupiers!

Down with all of the Egyptian bourgeoisie Parties, it's new ones and old ones, and let the curses of the Egyptian proletarians follow them, and long live our marching upon the footsteps of the Egyptian section of the Leninist-Stalinist Comintern - for a an Egyptian Free Arabic Proletarian State that unites with the whole Arabic S.S.R in A Socialist World - that World Proletarian Dictatorship reigns upon it!

Egypt's Section

19 March 2022

Thousands of Egyptians from Cairo marched to Ismailia, which was the administrative centre of the canal zone. There was a clash with British soldiers patrolling the town, one of whom was wounded and two Egyptian demonstrators were killed.

At the call of Prime Minister Nahhas Pasha, all Egyptian workers abandoned businesses in the canal zone. Electricity, water and telephone services were cut off.

The British had plans to take Cairo and Alexandria, although these were eventually abandoned for political reasons.

The situation was particularly acute in Ismailia. Here almost every day the Fidaeen fired on British soldiers and laid mines in the path of military columns. Since the beginning of 1952 six British soldiers had been killed.

The Egyptian police stationed in the town not only failed to help the British imperialists in their fight against the guerrillas, but also sheltered them and provided them with weapons. Given this situation, the British High Command decided to disarm the Egyptian police in Ismailia.

At dawn on 25 January 1952, three British battalions (1st Lancashire Fusiliers, 2nd Paratroopers and 1st East Lancashire Regiment), supported by two squadrons of Centurions, surrounded the Egyptian police barracks in Ismailia. After refusing to surrender, the British imperialists launched an assault, a fierce battle that lasted more than three hours.

Only after the British imperialists opened direct fire on the barracks with tank guns did the Egyptian policemen agree to lay down their arms. Four British soldiers and 42 Egyptians were killed in the battle.

The disarmament of the Egyptian police in Ismailia significantly improved the security situation in the city, but gave rise to an acute internal political crisis in Egypt itself.

The first reports of events in Ismailia reached the Egyptian capital on the afternoon of 25 January, a large crowd gathered outside the prime minister's residence demanding to break off diplomatic relations with British imperialism and declare war on it.

Shortly after midnight on 26 January, pogroms broke out in Cairo. Groups of armed men attacked hotels, clubs, bars, cinemas, shops and banks associated with the British. Hundreds of buildings were set on fire and all the major department stores in the city were looted. Only as darkness fell did the army units that entered the city restore order. In what became known as the Cairo Fire, or "Black Sabbath", 26 people were killed (including 11 Britons) and another 552 were wounded.

The next day King Farouk I dismissed Nahhas Pasha and appointed his loyal henchman Hussein Sirri Pasha as Prime Minister, who first announced the end of the Liberation Fidayeen. Attacks on the British in the Canal Zone ceased and by early March 1952 most Egyptian workers had returned to work.

The British imperialists were able to breathe a sigh of relief, but not for long. The behaviour of the royal court in January 1952 stripped it of the last vestiges of Egyptian confidence, already badly damaged by corruption scandals and defeat in the first war with Israel. The overthrow of the monarchy was openly talked about in the streets and in the barracks. The 1952 Revolution began.

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