October 20, 1944 Liberation of Belgrade

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October 20, 1944

Liberation of Belgrade

and the victory over Hitler Fascism in Yugoslavia

The Comintern (SH) sends militant revolutionary greetings to the Yugoslav Section, to the proletariat of former Yugoslavia and to the Yugoslav peoples on occasion of this great historical event.
The victory over Hitler fascism will encourage all the former Yugoslav peoples to liberate from all inner and outer enemies, to overthrow the bourgeoisie in the own countries and to remove the imperialists from the territory of Yugoslavia.
Long live the united socialist revolution in the countries of the former Yugoslavia !
Long live the re-united, independent and socialist Yugoslavia in a socialist world !
Long live the Comintern (SH) and her Yugoslav Section !

"our troops rendered direct assistance to our ally, Yugoslavia, in expelling the Germans and liberating Belgrade"

( Stalin, November 6, 1944)

"After the destruction of the General Staff of the Yugoslav partisans by German paratroops, as the liberation movement of the people in Yugoslavia was going through a crisis, the Soviet army came to the peoples of Yugoslavia to help, broke the resistance of the German occupying forces and liberated Belgrade, thus creating the conditions, thanks to which the Yugoslav Communist Party was able to take the helm. "

(J. V. Stalin - MAY 4 1948 - Letter of the CPSU Central Committee to the Central Committee of the CPY)

Stalin's Telegram to Tito:

"I understand the difficulties of your situation after the liberation of Belgrade. But you must also know that the Soviet government is doing everything possible to help you, regardless of the victims and enormous losses.
"I understand the difficulties of your situation after the liberation of Belgrade. But you must also know that the Soviet government is doing everything possible to help you, regardless of the victims and enormous losses. I wonder about the fact that certain incidents and the failure of some Soviet officers who are fighting in the Red Army, had been exaggerated to a degree of generalized claims against the entire Red Army. It is not acceptable, to offend an army that helped to drive out the Germans and that spilled her blood in the struggle against the German conquerors. It is not difficult to understand that there is no family without any wayward member, but it would be strange to insult at a family because of a wayward. If the members of the Red Army hear that Comrade Djilas, and all those who did not contradict him, regarded the British officers as morally higher than the Soviet officers, then they will defend themselves against so undeserved insults loudly."

Now that our Patriotic War is drawing to a triumphant close, the historic role played by the Soviet people stands out in all its grandeur. Everybody admits now that by their self-sacrificing struggle the Soviet people saved the civilization of Europe from the fascist pogrom-mongers. This is the great historic service the Soviet people have rendered mankind. ( Stalin, November 6,1944)

"The treacherous Belgrade clique has pursued a policy worthy of the imperialists towards the glorious Soviet Army, which played a major role in saving the world and

Yugoslavia herself from the terrible slavery of German fascism, and created favourable conditions in Europe for the people’s democracies to be set up and consolidated, and

to develop along the road of socialist construction. The leaders of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia, blinded by their nationalism, have tried to deny the liberating role of the Soviet army and have despised its military art.

In their megalomania and arrogance they have tried to claim that the military art of the Yugoslav army was at a much higher level than that of the army of the Soviet Union, claiming that they have “added something new to Marxism-Leninism” in this field. Such an anti-Soviet line was intended to create distrust among the people of Yugoslavia,

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