German March Revolution 1920 (Kapp-Putsch)

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Long live the Red Ruhr Army !

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Long live the Red Ruhr Army !

- The working class at power -

Three days of the dictatorship of the German proletariat

Armed march of counter-revolution against the German proletariat.

Armed march of the German proletariat against the counter-revolution.

"The Tragedy of the German Revolution in 1918, during the January battles in 1919, during the battles after the Kapp Putsch in 1920, during the March battles in 1921, and until the last wave of acute revolutionary situation, this first period, in October 1923 - consists in the contradiction between objectively matured conditions of the revolution, one the one hand, and subjective weakness of the German proletariat, caused by the lack of a steeled Bolshevik Party, on the other hand. "

(remark: the Communist Party of Germany was founded on 31st of December 1918. It was thus a young and unexperienced party which was born as recently as during the revolutionary uprisings of the proletariat - namely exactly only one month AFTER the outbreak of the November Revolution 1918.)

The armement of the proletariat is a precondition for the victory of the socialist revolution !

The disarmament of the proletariat is a precondition

for the victory of the counter-revolution !

Comintern (SH)

You "Steel helmets!"

(the name of the militarist putschists)

Our time for revenge will come !

Then you pay for the workers' blood, that you have shed !

The banner of world revolution flaunts all over the world,

even if we revolutionaries will fall.

The military-monarchist coup d’état, the so-called Kapp Putsch was organised by the German reactionary militarists. It was headed by the monarchist landowner Kapp and Generals Ludendorff, Seeckt and Lüttwitz. The conspirators prepared the coup with the connivance of the Social-Democratic government. On March 13, 1920, the mutinous generals moved troops against Berlin and, meeting with no resistance from the government, proclaimed a military dictatorship. The German workers replied with a general strike. Under pressure from the proletariat the Kapp government was overthrown on March 17, and the Social-Democrats again took power.

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The immediate post-war period was characterized by a further deterioration of the situation in Germany. Especially the German working class suffered greatly from the consequences of the First World War. The general breakdown of the economy, the increasing inflation, rising unemployment and hunger began to have an impact. The former coalition government with the Social Democrats at the top, had betrayed the proletarians' November Revolution of 1918-19 and murdered the best leaders Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg with the help of monarchist military. These militarists, monarchists and fascist elements that were endured by the German magnates and not only the support of the SPD government, but also the support of the Anglo-American imperialists enjoyed, again raised their head. The November Revolution, in which the working class failed to overthrow the bourgeoisie and the landlords, caused inevitably the revenge of the counter-revolution. The bourgeois Social-democratic government was unable to get under control the revolutionary uprisings of the proletariat. The KPD had just been founded and had not yet been able to form a steeled Bolshevik party that would lead the masses to the victorious revolution, let alone entraining the poor peasants. The majority of the working class was still under the influence of the SPD and USPD (Independent Social Democratic Party = segregated left wing of the SPD).
The young German Communist Party, which had not yet mastered the strategy and tactics of Bolshevism, was not able to tear the traitorous leaders of social democracy away from the masses. The cooperation of social fascists and fascists strengthened the forces of counterrevolution.

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