The Great Bombay [Mumbai] Textile Strike 18 January 1982

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Mill workers of Mumbai have a 150-year tradition of class struggle

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Mill workers of Mumbai have a 150-year tradition of class struggle.The Great Bombay textile strike of 1982 was one of the most important developments of the twentieth century that propelled Mumbai's journey into its current avatar. Called to protest poor wages and labor conditions in the textile industry – which was once the backbone of the city – the strike ended up shutting down the industry as such, making way for the Mumbai we know today.Mumbai's textile industry, which saw a boom in the nineteenth century, was one of the country's first modern industries. Twentieth-century Mumbai became an industrial hub, with about 130 cotton textile mills, which didn't just propel its own economy but also acted as a catalyst for economic growth elsewhere in the city. However, as the industry grew so did the grievances of mill workers, who were primarily migrants from villages around Maharashtra and the rest of the country. They felt that their requests for better pay and working conditions had remained unaddressed for decades, finally pushing them to consider going on strike.Currently, around 45 million people work in the textile industry.Indian spinning industry facing the biggest crisis, resulting in huge job losses.Textile Industry Crisis: 100 million workers face unemployment threat.In the last 5 years, the class struggle of the textile workers increased not only in quantity but moreover in quality that means its political radicalization, as can be seen on this picture:

In the last 5 years, the class struggle of the textile workers increased not only in quantity but moreover in quality that means its political radicalization, as can be seen on this picture:

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08 May 2020

Thousands of Chenab Textile Workers in Kathua Protest Non-Payment of Full Wages

Several workers and police personnel were injured in clashes and subsequent cane charge on Friday, when violent protests broke out in Jammu and Kashmir's Kathua district over non-payment of full wages by Chenab Textile Mills (CTM).

Police have also detained over two dozen workers.

A large number of workers came out of CTM and held protests on Friday against the failure of the management to pay full wages to them.

The workers allegedly turned violent and broke furniture, windows and other material and ransacked offices at the mill complex.

Later, the workers came on the highway and blocked it amid protests sloganeering. The police resorted to cane charge.

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