February-Revolution Ukraine (Maidan) 2014

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The Ukrainian Revolution goes on

until the victory of socialism !

The revisionists in the Ukrainian Donbass cannot hide their traitorous face behind demagogy!


The Ukrainian people will only be free under the leadership of the working class and its vanguard, the Ukrainian section of the Comintern (SH); namely with revolutionary weapons in their hands; creation of a Workers' and Peasants Red Army along the lines of Lenin and Stalin; revolutionary war against the imperialist war; expulsion of both the Western and (!) of the Eastern imperialist occupiers away from Ukrainian soil; disarming the bourgeoisie and her fascist and (!) social-fascist lackeys; smashing the capitalist state of the exploiters and oppressors through the socialist revolution; restoration of a united, independent, socialist Ukrainian Soviet republic along the lines of Lenin and Stalin; Reestablishment of the Ukrainian dictatorship of the proletariat; expropriation of the capitalists; re-establishment of the Stalinist constitution; socialization of the means of production; construction of socialism, etc, etc. ..

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Power to the Ukrainian people !

Long live the dictatorship of the Ukrainian proletariat !

Down with the capitalist Ukraine !

Down with the Ukrainian reformists, revisionists, nationalists and fascists, all these lackeys of the imperialist powers in East and West !

Long live the socialist Ukraine !

Long live the Ukraine of Lenin and Stalin !

Down with Anti-Stalinism !

Down with Anti-Leninism !

Down with the revisionists and their attempts for restoration of revisionist state power.

Those revisionists who have destroyed socialism in the Ukraine, are responsible for the capitalist crimes against the Ukrainian people of today !

Long live the Stalinist-Hoxhaist restoration of the socialist Ukraine !

Long live the socialist revolution of the Ukraine !

Long live the new socialist Ukraine in a new socialist World Republic !

Long live the socialist world revolution !

Long live the dictatorship of the world proletariat !

Long live proletarian internationalism !

Workers of the world - unite !

World proletariat - unite all countries for the overthrow of world imperialism and the construction of world socialism !

Long live world communism !

Choice of Ukraine:

reactionary reformism
new socialist revolution?

After restoration the capitalism in the USSR which inevitably caused its disintegration and formation of 15 capitalist countries, almost all of them, except of Russia, immediately turned into new colonies of leading world empires - the USA, China and Russia. Between these empires began the opposition for domination in the former Soviet republics. In different from them with variable success won the USA or Russia, and China constantly increased consumption of the depreciated raw material resources of these countries. The USA and Russia constantly dethroned the operating governments, organized direct military interventions, used economic blockade, illegally pursued citizens by a ethnic sign, closed customs borders etc.

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