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Cassidy's POV-

"Cheers to Lizzy finally breaking up with that scum bag!"

The five of us girls all cheered, clinking our glasses together and downed our shots.

"It has been way too long since we've had a night out like this.” Marissa smiled with content.

"We just had our night two weeks ago.” Haylee pointed out.

"Which is too long in my book."

"Shesh what are you gonna do when we all get married and don't have enough time for nights like these?” Erica asked with a chuckle.

"Hey don't say that just because you're the one that's getting married in a couple months!” Lizzy scoffed, embracing Marissa into her arms to comfort the big baby. Sometimes my friends and I can be quite dramatic, usually after we get a couple drinks in though.

Now that Lizzy finally broke things off with the douche bag she was dating, that meant Erica was the only one in a relationship out of the five of us girls. In fact she was engaged and getting married in four months. She's been with Thomas for about three years now. They met in their freshman year of college. For a while their relationship was a bit shaky, one of those on and off relationships but they have definitely gotten better and it's quite obvious that they're in love. It was obvious from the beginning but no one was really sure if they would make it last.

As for the rest of us...well we're not really the types for relationships. Well except for maybe Haylee. She's our sweet little dreamer I guess you could call her, the baby out of all of us. It's not really a secret that she's waiting for the day that prince charming comes to sweep her off her feet and then blah blah blah blah blah. That was never really something that I've ever counted on. Same goes for Marissa and Lizzy. We're pretty much content with the way things are now, plus we know we'll always have each other. Of course we have our little cat fights here and there but in the end we know that we would probably crash and burn without each other. So we're stuck together and perfectly fine with that.

"Speaking of which, how is the wedding planning coming along?” Haylee asked, turning to Erica.

"And that would be our que to leave.” I announced, grabbing hold of Marissa and Lizzy's hand to drag them to the dance floor.

Erica rolled her eyes with a slight smile before turning to Haylee and going on about some wedding stuff. It's not that me, or the girls weren't happy for her. It's just that the wedding stuff was never something that we took interest in hearing about. This might sound bad considering we’re the bridesmaids but we do help when we’re needed and of course we will all pitch in to throw her the best bachelorette party possible.

The thing I loved so much about these girls was that as long as I had them, I didn’t really need anybody else…well besides for family of course. But I didn’t need a big group of friends hang out with, or a boyfriend, or anyone else. They make me happy, the make me laugh so hard that I cry, they annoy me sometimes, they nearly drive me crazy, but all in all they make me feel loved. And I think the same goes for all of them. We pretty much just complete each other.

People always ask me why I don’t bother finding a boyfriend, or why I don’t want to get married. And the answers pretty simple. I’m happy with how my life is now. I have my girls, and I have a job that isn't much, but I still love it.

I’ve watched love fall apart many times. Between my parents’ divorce, seeing my friends get their hearts broken multiple times, and getting my own heart broken. Maybe that’s not a completely good reason to stay single but it was a good enough reason for me. I didn’t want to waste my time, going through multiple heart breaks just to fine “the right one”. Like I said, I’m happy with my life the way it is, and if I ever felt like I needed more, I’ve already planned to adopt a child when I’m ready.

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