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Sorry for the wait, I'm currently drowning in school work and stress :( But I did go to see Papa Roach (favorite band aside from A7X) the other night which was absolutely amazing especially because I got to meet the band as well (super sweet dudes). But anways, hope you guys enjoy this. I just might try to update again later tonight.

Cassidy’s POV-

“Hurry up Cassidy! The car’s going to be here soon!” Lizzy yelled from down the hall for me.

 I rolled my eyes and swiped a dark red lip stick across my lips and took another look over of myself in the mirror, combing through my hair to make sure each loose curl was in place.

Usually it was the other way around with me yelling for Lizzy or Marissa to hurry their ass’s up. But today it was them rushing me. And the only reason why it was like that was probably because I had been dragging my feet all day, definitely not feeling up for whatever was bound to happen tonight.

Avenged Sevenfold was playing a show here tonight and then continuing on their tour for a few more weeks. Did I want to attend this show tonight? Hell no. And if it weren’t for Jimmy and Julia blowing up my phone, begging to me to go, my ass would be snuggled up in bed watching Netflix.

I was absolutely dreading having to see Brian. I already felt awkward and I wasn’t even near him yet. I was however looking forward to seeing the rest of the guys… if they weren’t mad at me for the whole thing that happened between me and Brian that is. Jimmy was the only one who had contacted me since the fight with Brian, and he definitely didn’t seem angry with me so hopefully that meant the rest of the guys wouldn’t be either. 

I stood from my vanity and slipped on a pair of black ankle booties before taking one more glance at myself in the full length mirror that sat on my wall. Finally feeling satisfied with my look, I picked my purse up from my bed and made my way down stairs just as the car pulled up to the house which already had Haylee, Erica, and even Tom inside.

“There’s my beautiful buttercups!” Jimmy cried out when he turned and found the girls and myself along with Tom, walking down the hall to meet up with him and the guys.

Their body guard Dan had met us outside to give us our backstage passes, and a sweet kiss to Marissa before leading us inside. Marissa’s relationship with Dan seemed to be going in a serious direction. At first I thought they might just hook up a couple times (which they did) but apparently they’ve been talking a lot as well… Well as much as they could considering Dan was on tour with the band. But Marissa says that she thinks she might actually give it a try with dating him once this tour ends.

It was pretty shocking to hear that from Marissa. I mean it was surprising enough to hear that Lizzy wanted a serious relationship but now Marissa too?

“Hey Jimbo!” Marissa was the first one to give him a hug followed by everyone else, leaving me to greet him last.

“Cassidy my dear!” He grinned widely before bringing in me in for a bone crushing hug. “Glad you could make it.”

“It’s good to see you too Jim.” I told him honestly once he let me go and I could breathe again.

About a second later, an excited squeal could be heard before Julia was running down the hall to greet us as well. Her body slammed into mine, almost knocking both of us over as she hugged me but thankfully Jimmy was quick to catch us.

“Cassidy! I’m so glad you came!” She cried in my ear before moving on to greet the rest of the girls and Tom.

After hello’s were out of the way, Jimmy began leading the way to Avenged’s dressing room where we found Matt, Zacky, and Johnny. But no Brian which I wasn’t sure if I was thankful for or not. He didn’t show up until about ten minutes before show time. He said hello to everyone else but blatantly ignored me, not even sparing a glance my way.

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