4. Just Dinner

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Cassidy's POV-

"It's real simple sweetie. You ask him straight up if he's cheating on you. And if he says yes you beat him with a frying pan." Jackie said nonchalantly, earning looks from everyone.

"Seriously? This is why you can't keep a boyfriend." I told her as I went back to folding jeans.

"Because they're probably all dead in her backyard." Alysha cackled.

"They're not dead." Jackie scoffed. "And it's not my fault that they just can't handle me."

"Well if I had a girlfriend that was trying to beat me with a frying pan, I don't think I would be able to hand her either." I said with a small chuckle.

"And even if Chad were cheating on me, what makes you think he would actually answer honestly if I just asked him?" Jamie asked, turning the attention back to her.

This was the usual at work when we weren't busy with costumers. Basically talk about girl problems. And tonight's topic, since it was getting close to closing time so not many people were here, was Jamie's boyfriend Chad who she thinks is cheating on her.

"Well if you think he's lying then you still beat him with the frying pan." Jackie answered.

Not even bothering to give Jacke a reply, I turned to Jamie, "Well first, you're never going to take relationship advice from Jackie. Secondly...I don't know. If it just doesn't seem right then break up with him." I shrugged.

"Oh and she should take relationship advice from you? When's the last time you were even in a serious relationship?" Alysha retorted.

"Okay so it's been a while, but this," I said gesturing towards Jamie, "is exactly why I stay out of them. It's just not worth it."

"It will be worth it when you find the-" 

"Oh don't give her that bullshit!" Jackie cut Alysha off. 

"Thank you Jackie." I said, moving on to hanging up the new tops that just arrived today.

"I honestly don't understand why you two, you especially," Jamie pointed a finger at me, "are so against having a happy ending."

"I'm not against it." I scoffed before Jackie cut in.

"Yeah we're not "against" the whole happy ending thing. But look at your situation. That's bullshit, that everyone would be better off without."

"So instead Cassidy stays out of relationships and Jackie kills her boyfriends with frying pans." Alysha teased earning a laugh from Jamie.

"I just don't believe that happy endings-"

"One of your best friends is getting married in a couple months after being with the guy for how many years? And you still don't believe in happy endings?" Jamie cut me off.

"You didn't let me finish. I was saying that I just don't think they're for everybody. And who really knows how long that marriage could last. It could be forever, which for my friend's sake, I'm hoping it last forever. Or it could only last like three years."

"So basically you're saying that you're too much of a pussy to take that chance for yourself?" Alsyha concluded.

"No I wasn't actually saying that at all, but if that's what you got from it, then sure." I figured it'd just be easier to agree rather than going on with the same argument.

Before anyone else could get another word in, we heard someone clearing their throat. And much to my surprise, when I turned around I saw Brian, awkwardly standing there. I wonder just how much of that conversation did he hear? And what the hell was he doing here anyways?

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