24. Better Off This Way

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Brian’s POV-

 Letting out a low growl, I ripped the headphones out of my ears, having had enough of that stupid “Better Off This Way” song by some band called A Day To Remember. I’d never even heard of them but Cassidy apparently posted it on her Facebook two days ago. I groaned inwardly at how lame and pathetic that sounded and how it must’ve looked.

 Cassidy and I hadn’t spoken since that big argument that we had. The guys and I were already on tour, having been on the road for about a month now. And I hadn’t heard a single thing from Cassidy. No texts or calls. Nothing.

I wanted to pretend that it didn’t bother me but it wasn’t the easiest thing to do. And apparently I wasn’t hiding the fact that it was bothering me too well either. I mean I just stalked her Facebook page like a teenage girl for fuck sake.

“You okay over there Bri?” Haylee’s soft voice pulled me from my thoughts. I looked up just in time to see her scoot away from Matt who barely noticed her movements since he was too engrossed with his Xbox game. She walked over to the small “kitchen” table where I was seated and took a seat next to me.

Before she sat down, I tried to exit out of her Facebook which was currently on Cassidy’s page still, but I was too slow. She was quick to snatch her laptop out of my reach and as much as I hated to admit it, my face heated up when she sent me a smirk upon finding out what I was up to.

“Don’t worry Bri, I kinda figured this was what you were doing. I mean you’re not exactly a computer guy so what else would you be up to?” She lightly giggled.

I didn’t reply, just turned my head to avoid looking at her and stared out the window instead.

“I know judging by her page, it doesn’t look like she cares but I’m sure she does. This bothers her too.”

Well she’s the whole reason why “this” was happening. It was all her fault. I couldn’t say that I agreed with Haylee’s statement.

“It’s Cassidy.” I snorted. “She’s not bothered. She doesn’t give a fuck obviously.” I grumbled motioning towards the laptop before I realized what a pouty little bitch I must’ve looked like.

“Exactly, it’s Cassidy. I’ve known the girl for years. She cares,” Haylee insisted, placing her hand on my arm to get me to look at her, only speaking again when I finally did. “She’s just too scared to show it.”

I wasn’t in the mood to debate over this so I just nodded my head. And maybe Haylee was right but it didn’t matter. I did what I could to win Cassidy over but it didn’t work and there was nothing left for me to do about it. Whatever she and I had was over.

Cassidy’s POV-

“I think I’m going to have the three cheese chicken penne.” My mother decided. She placed her menu on the table and took a sip from her glass of water just as my phone buzzed once from where it was sat on the table.

I glanced at it for a moment, seeing that it was just John.

Not Brian.

I hadn’t talked to him in about over a month maybe and by now, I wasn’t even trying to lie to myself. I missed him. I couldn’t stop my hopes from getting up, thinking it was him every time my phone rang. But it was usually just John. Sometimes one of the girls, or Julia, and occasionally my mother. But never Brian and if I was being honest, it actually hurt.

But since we’re being honest here, hurt is what I deserved. And I couldn’t blame Brian for not trying to contact me after that fight that we had. I still stand with my statement that it was none of his business who I talked to or saw. I mean maybe unless things started to get serious because Brian was right; we were sleeping together so maybe he would deserve to know if someone else was stepping in. But again I say, only if it were to be a serious thing. Not just texting and going on a single date.

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