11. Special Guy

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Brian’s POV-

It had been two weeks since the Aftershock festival, making that two weeks since I had last saw Cassidy. She wouldn’t answer my calls, only sometimes would she answer my texts but those conversations were short lived, and every time I suggested hanging out she was too busy. She was being distant and I knew exactly why.

She must have been pissed about us sleeping with each other…again. She probably regretted it. And I’d been beating myself up over it ever since she left me that morning. Although I knew it wasn’t completely my fault, she wanted me as bad as I wanted her that night. I only gave her what we both wanted. But now that I haven’t seen her since, I was suddenly starting to regret that night too.

I won’t deny that I’ve grown feelings for her that go past just a friendship level. Or at least I won’t deny it to myself, but if she or anyone else were to ask, I’d keep that information to myself. So yeah, I liked her more than I should and it hurt not hearing from her. But I was determined to get our relationship back on track. Even if we remained just friends, I would be happy with that. I’d take what I could get because it would be better than not having her around at all.

Cassidy’s POV-

“You busy tonight? I think we should talk.”

I sighed, placing my phone down without answering Brian’s text. I knew it was wrong, I just didn’t know how to deal with him. Lizzy was right, he is hard to resist and of course he knows that now. I don’t want a friends with benefits kind of relationship with him though. Those things don’t last and I know that as soon as it ends, our relationship would become awkward. Kind of like it is now.

“You ignoring someone?” My dad broke me out of my thoughts, giving me a curious look as he noticed I didn’t answer the text. We were out at some Italian restaurant right now. It was normal for us to go out at least once a month to catch up and see how the other was doing. We just had that close kind of relationship.

“No. We’re out at dinner. It’d be rude if I answered it.” I explained.

He placed his fork down and leaned back in his chair. “Well I don’t mind. Go ahead and talk to your friend.”

“You don’t even know who he is.” I mentally smacked myself in the face as I realized I said “he” instead of “it”. That would only spark his curiosity even more.

“Oh so it’s a special guy you’re ignoring then?” He speculated as he went back to eating his food.

“He’s not a special guy.” I scoffed.

He paused to look at me right before his fork full of food was about to go in his mouth. “Do I need to kick his ass for anything?”

I laughed at that. Only if being incredibly hot and amazing in bed is considered a justifiable reason to kick someone’s ass I thought to myself. “No, you do not need to kick anyone ass.”

He mumbled a good before digging into his food again. “Is it that one guy that I met?”


“The one from that diner we had lunch at last month.”

“Ohhh.” I said as the memory of running into Brian, Jimmy, and Julia came back to me. “Brian.”

“Yeah, that guy. Is it him?”

“Does it matter?”

He gave me a deadpanned look. “Cassidy, we’ve had this conversation more times than I can count on both hands, you already know it matters.”

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