20. Apologies

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Cassidy’s POV-

 “Oh Cassidy my love.”

 A soft feminine voice pulled me from my sleep. My only response was a low grunt as I snuggled myself further into my pillows and blankets.

“Wake up gorgeous. It’s time to get moving!”

I was prepared to ignore whoever this person was but I learned that that would get me nowhere as I felt a weight jump on the bed, their knees just missing my side.

“C’mon Cas.” As I woke up more, I realized the voice belonged to Haylee as she dragged out the s in my name and began bouncing on the bed beside me.

“Go away.” I grumbled.

“No, come on. It’s time to get up!” She demanding, shaking my shoulder insistently.

“Whyyy?” I whined, finally turning over to face the annoying pain in the ass that I called one of my best friends.

“Because we’re meeting Matt and Brian at the beach.” She announced happily.

“Again I ask: why?”

She shrugged her shoulders before she began climbing off the bed, heading to my dresser in search for clothes for me. “Because I want to see my boyfriend. And it’s your day off, did you have something better planned?”

“Sleeping.” I muttered, not entirely sure if she heard me or not. If she did, she didn’t comment on it. She only tossed my bikini at me, ordering me to get moving before exiting the room.

“Remind me again why we’re here?” I grumbled, fixing my sun glasses on my face as Haylee and I made our way down the beach.

She sighed and I’m sure there was an eye roll behind her sun glasses as well. “Because of eye candy, Cassidy.” She answered as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

I wasn’t quite sure what she was talking about until I saw the two tattooed men out in the ocean, riding the waves on their surf boards.

We walked a little further before finding a spot to sit. Thankfully, due to it being quite early in the morning, the beach was mostly empty aside from the other few people who were here to catch some waves. We sat for about fifteen minutes, watching Matt and Brian surf until they decided to give it a rest. Matt spotted us first as they made their way to shore.

“Hey beautiful.” His eyes were fixed on Haylee as he smiled his cute dimpled smile. She grinned just as wide and stood to greet him by pressing a loving kiss to his lips before Matt suggested they go for a walk down the beach, after saying hello to me. Those two were already so head over heels for each other.

“Hey you.”

Brian’s voice pulled my attention from the love birds as he sat down beside me, running a hand through his dripping wet hair.

“Hey.” I smiled as our eyes finally met. “I didn’t know you could surf that well.”

He gave me a weird look. “Seriously? How long have you known me and you’re only just now finding out that I can surf?”

I rolled my eyes at how quickly he grew defensive even though I knew he was mostly joking. “Of course I knew you liked to surf. I just had no idea you were that good.”

“Well now you know.” He smiled smugly. “Are you any good at surfing?” He playfully nudged me with his elbow.

I shook my head vigorously. “I tried it once in college, it was terrible.”

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