15. Let's Have A Wedding

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It's been like two weeks since I updated, I suck and I am sorry :p I've just been super busy with school work. And I thought that now that I've been on break for the past couple days I would update more but I've just been so lazy (again I suck, I know). But anywho, I personally don't think this chapter was all that great but I hope you guys enjoy it anyways. Let me know what you think:)

Cassidy’s POV-

 “You may now kiss the bride.”

 Everyone clapped and cheered as Tom took Erica’s face in his hands and pressed a loving kiss to her lips.

I smiled widely as I watched them. I wasn’t too sure about anyone else but I was glad that this whole wedding thing was practically done. Erica was starting to drive me and the girls, aside from Haylee, insane with all the planning. Although we did a have fun time throwing her a bachelorette party. But I was also happy with how perfect this day had went for one of my best friends. I was glad to see her so happy that she hadn’t stopped smiling all day. I’m sure that by the end of the night her cheeks would be killing her.

The ceremony had finally ended and getting pictures done followed right after. That part I didn’t mind too much, only after it started to seem to be dragging on. My stomach was starting to growl because I didn’t have a lot of time to eat much of a breakfast. Plus I was dying to get on the dance floor.

Pictures finally ended and we headed to the hall where the reception would be held. Haylee, Marissa, Lizzy, and I were quick to stuff our faces before being the first ones on the dance floor after the bride and groom had their first dance of course.

“Don’t tell the bride,” a familiar voice startled me as a certain someone crept up behind me while I sat at the bar waiting for my drink, “but I think you’re the prettiest girl here today.”

I turned in my stool to come face to face with Brian and God damn did he look good today. I had spotted him a few times throughout the day but we hadn’t had a chance to speak to one another yet until now. I kept being pulled aside to have pictures taken or catch up with some of Erica’s family members that I hadn’t seen in a while. So this was the first time I really got to take a nice look at Brian.

He wore gray dress pants and a matching vest over top of a white button down shirt and completed the look with a purple tie. He cleaned up damn well and I’d be lying if I said that my mouth wasn’t practically watering at the sight of him. But I couldn’t let him catch me checking him out. I could just never give him that satisfaction even if he was already well aware of the fact that I was attracted to him.

“Hey, that’s my best friend you’re insulting.” I warned him sternly before the bar tender appeared with my martini.

“No one’s insulting anyone.” Brian chuckled. “Erica looks beautiful and Tom’s one lucky bastard but I think you might be stealing the spot light.” He looked me up and down with a small smile, taking a better look at the maroon cocktail dress that Erica had all the bridesmaids wearing.

My brain couldn’t come up with anything close to a sarcastic comment to that so I just rolled my eyes and took a sip of my martini.

“Are you at least having fun yet?” He asked, casually leaning against the bar.

“I am. You know I always love a good reason to get dressed up and dance.” I replied which made him laugh.

“True. You’re not feeling any jealousy though?” He smirked cockily. I knew he was referring to our conversation that we had during lunch the other day.

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