26. Drunk Talk

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Cassidy’s Pov-

“I miss my Jimmy.” Julia suddenly whined, laying her head down in my lap. I pouted with her and pet her hair as she clutched her phone to her chest.

 Lizzy joined in, laying down on Julia’s curled up legs. “I miss Zack…And his wiener.” She added with an immature snicker just as Marissa came in.

She walked around the couch and handed one of the two drinks in her hands to Haylee before plopping down on Lizzy with a dramatic sigh. “I miss Dan’s wiener.”

“Will you dirtballs shut up about wieners? No one wants to hear about that.” Haylee scolded them from the other couch where she sat with Erica.

“Hey, I could’ve been an asshole and said that I miss Matt’s wiener.” Marissa quipped. Lizzy snickered and held her hand up for Marissa to high five.

I couldn’t help but laugh too. Had I have been sober right now, I probably wouldn’t have laughed, but we were all drunk and I was feeling giggly at the moment.

“Whore.” Haylee scoffed as she threw a pillow at Marissa’s face, making us laugh some more.

“Quit bickering.” Erica grumbled, laying in the fetal position, close to being passed out. Which did make sense considering it was nearing three o’clock in the morning. But I called her a party pooper anyway, earning a half-assed middle finger which made me laugh some more.

“Hey Cassidy, do you miss Brian’s wiener?” Julia suddenly brought up the former conversation that was just being held.

“No.” Yes, I did. But no one else had to know that.

“Sure you don’t.” Marissa retorted with an eye roll as she took a sip of her drink.

“And I bet Haylee miss’s Matt’s big ole’ wiener right?” Lizzy snorted. “What was it that the guys call it-“

“Horsecock!” Julia shouted the answer with a giggle, making me giggle as well.

Haylee shrunk back in her seat, covering her face but not before I could notice the cherry tint that her cheeks held.

“Look at those rosy red cheeks!” I hollered obnoxiously, pointing a finger at her as we all began laughing. All poor Haylee could do was flip us off and hide behind her hands.

“I’m getting another drink.” Julia announced as she pulled her legs out from beneath Lizzy and Marissa and stood up. “Anybody else want one?”

“I do!” I raised my hand excitedly. I stood up too fast and had to take a second to gain my bearings as the room started spinning which caught Marissa’s attention.

“I think you need to be cut off. You’re practically too drunk to even walk.” She cackled.

I waved her comment off. “I’m fine.” I slurred, bumping into the couch as I went to follow after Julie.

Brian’s POV-

Something was vibrating under my face, pulling me from my sleep. I stretched, letting out a groan as I slid my hand under my pillow to find my phone. My eyes were squinted, trying to adjust to the bright screen. A puzzled look took over my face as I found that Cassidy was calling.

Why the hell was Cassidy calling me?

Without another thought though, I pressed ‘answer’ and put the phone up to my ear.

“Brian!” Her high pitched squeal caused me to flinch away from the phone. Was she drunk?

“What do you want Cassidy?”

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