2.Challenge Accepted

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Cassidy's POV-

Thank god I didn't wake up with too bad of a hangover. It was there but it was bearable. But I knew that Lizzy on the other hand wouldn't be so lucky. And that's why I made sure to have some coffee and Tylenol ready for her for when she finally wakes up.

I sat at the kitchen by myself, enjoying the peacefulness, and eating a bowl of the one the best cereals ever which was Reese's Puffs. I was only wearing panties and a Coca Cola t-shirt but I knew the girls wouldn't mind the nudity. Lizzy, Marissa, and I have lived together long enough to be used to it all by now.

My mind wondered back to last night, more specifically a certain someone from last night. Brian was a nice guy. He was sweet and funny and very fun to mess with but then again that's most men. His friends were a fun group of people also, especially Jimmy and Johnny. They were drunk off their asses but amusing.

Before I could think any further about them and if I would ever see any of the wild boys again, Lizzy appeared in the kitchen door way. Probably feeling as shitty as she looked. I was surprised to see that she was fully clothed although everything that she was wearing was from last night. But then it wasn't hard to see her arriving home and passing out as soon as her head hit a pillow.

I pointed out the Tylenol to her and there was no need for pointing out the coffee seeing as that was the first thing she had her eyes on as soon as she entered the room. After getting her coffee, she joined me at the table and swallowed down the two pills before letting out a heavy sigh.

"Did Marissa come home yet?" she asked, before resting her head on crossed arms on the table. Yeah Marissa ended up going home with Brian's friend Matt last night. Once they had a few drinks together, they could barely keep their hands off of each other. It was almost sickening.

"Don't think so." I replied, glancing at the time. It wasn't too late, not even noon yet. I'm sure she would be arriving soon unless she planned on having one more round with Matt before coming home.

"Hey, what about you and that dude with the spikey hair?" she asked, picking her head up to look at me.

"You mean Brian?"

"Yeah, that's his name." I could see her making a mental note to remember that. Not that it was really necessary. We probably wouldn't be seeing each other again...not anytime soon anyways. "So did you guys fuck or what?"

"No." I chuckled and rolled my eyes at her. Sex is really basically the only thing that takes up this girls mind. That and shopping.

"Ugh! Why not?" she groaned, dropping her head back down into her arms again.

"Because I don't just fuck every guy that sends me a drink." Although Brian was incredibly hot. I'm not actually really sure why I didn't try going home with him.

Before she could say anything, we heard the front door open up. Meaning Marissa was finally coming home or it was just Erica and Haylee.

"I'm home." Marissa sang just before she reached the kitchen. Oh yeah, she definitely had a good time last night.

"Please tell me something good." Lizzy begged. "I didn't get laid and Cassidy is just a disappointment."

Marissa giggled, placing her heels from last night on the table next to me. Such nice manners right? I rolled my eyes at the both of them, and knocked the shoes off the table with my elbow, not that Marissa seemed to care.

"Well if it makes you feel any better, he was huuuge." she smiled smugly.

"Yes! How good was he? Amazing?" Lizzy probed.

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