19. Stupid Fights

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This is being posted a little later than I intended but oh well. This was my second update today so make sure you read the last chapter first if you missed it. And thank you to my lovely voters and commenters<3 

Cassidy’s POV-

 My phone dinged, signaling that I had received a text message. I dug it out of my back pocket, quickly typing in my passcode to read it. It was from Brian, just a simple “Hey beautiful.”

I rolled my eyes, deciding to not comment on the name as I shot a quick text back. “You’re on my shit list right now.”

Not even a minute had passed before I got a reply. “Why’s that?”

I took a moment to look up from my phone and to Lizzy who was currently a blubbering mess while Marissa attempted to calm her down so that we could get to the bottom of the problem. As soon as she had walked in the door with tears streaming down her face, I had a feeling it would have something to do with Zack. That suspicion was confirmed when the only word she could utter out was his name as the tears kept coming and she wasn’t able to get another word out.

“My best friend is crying over your best friend. You’re on the enemy’s side.” I typed back.

“Sweetie you’re going to make yourself sick. You need to calm down.” Marissa tried to reason with our apparently heartbroken friend. But I don’t think our words were reaching her. Lizzy just kept crying and crying and crying.

My phone dinged again, dragging my attention away from the two of them.

“Lizzy and Zack?”


“What’s going on?”

Just as I read Brian’s text, Erica and Haylee came walking through door, bags of ice cream and candy in hand. The smiles on their faces quickly disappeared once they noticed Lizzy in her state of distress.

“What’s going on?” Erica asked as they both placed their bags on the table and quickly made their way over to Lizzy.

Tonight was supposed to be our movie night which would of course consist of alcohol and junk food. The wonderful thing about alcohol and junk food though, was that it could be used for any occasion; a fun movie night with your girls, or for the purpose of potentially mending your friend’s broken heart.

“All she’s said in the past twenty minutes was Zack.” Marissa answered, still rubbing Lizzy’s back and trying to get her to calm down.

“He’s an asshole.” Lizzy sobbed before burying her face back in her hands.

“And now that.” I added to Marissa’s statement.

“Babe what did he do?” Haylee asked.

I think we were all a little more than concerned here. This was the first time we’d ever seen Lizzy like this. She’d never cried like this for any break up. For instance with the last one, she simple demanded that we all go out and celebrate her new freedom by going to some club which happened to be where we met the guys for the first time.

Another ding from my phone pulled me from thoughts and it was then that I realized that I never replied to Brian after his last text message. His new one read “Hello? Is everything okay?”

I sighed before writing him back. “I don’t know. She won’t stop crying. Why don’t you ask your buddy?”

“Liz, are you going to tell us what happened?” Erica asked softly. Thankfully Lizzy had calmed down a little bit. Honestly I think the poor girl just ran out of tears to cry so she was just sitting in her chair sniffling every few seconds.

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