22. A Not So Merry Christmas

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Brian’s POV-

 “Jimmy!” Julia gave him a stern look. “Put it. Down.” She told him, sounding much like a mother who was scolding her child. It made sense though considering Jimmy was acting quite like a child. He pouted and did as he was told, reluctant to put the present down but did so anyway. He looked ridiculous in his Santa costume but the guy certainly took Christmas seriously, even though today was only Christmas Eve. It was his favorite holiday. He just really got a kick out of receiving presents and even giving them. I guess that was mostly because he loved making people happy, and aside from playing the drums, it was what he was best at.

 I shook my head, chuckling at how Julia demanded that we wait just a few more seconds as I got up to grab myself another beer. The door bell ringing side tracked me though. I started heading for the front door but Jimmy was quickly pushing me out of the way shouting about how the girls were finally here and it was present time.

They barely had the chance to greet anyone, Jimmy didn’t even bother with a hello, just ushered them into the living room where the presents were starting to pile up. Of course because Jimmy couldn’t be patient to save his fucking life, we didn’t bother handing out presents one by one and letting people open them. Instead, everyone was moving around one another in an unorderly fashion to get to the person whose presents they had in their hand.

I was mainly focused on giving one person their gift and it was of course Cassidy. But I waited to give her her gift until after everyone else got theirs from me.

She smiled when she accidently bumped into me. It was perfect timing though since she was exactly the person I was looking for. “Merry Christmas!” She held up a little gift bag, her beautiful smile still present on her face.

“Merry Christmas to you too.” I handed her the box that I had been holding and decided to wait to open my present until after she opened hers. I had been dying to see her reaction ever since I came up with the idea of what I wanted to get her.

She eagerly tore the wrapping paper off. Her jaw dropped as she saw the Christian Louboutin logo on the shoe box and I assumed it was a good thing. “Are you serious right now?” She asked in disbelief.

“As a heart attack.” I smiled, feeling quite proud of myself.

She peeked inside the box, not lifting the lid entirely off and quickly closed it after seeing that there was indeed a fancy pair of shoes in there. “I cannot believe you!” She hissed in a hushed tone so as not to make a scene.

I couldn’t conceal the puzzled look that crossed my face. Was she actually mad?

“Why would you-“

“It’s Christmas. I bought you a Christmas present. That’s what people do.” I honestly didn’t have the slightest clue as to how or why she would be mad right now.

“Brian, this isn’t just some little Christmas present that friends buy each other. This a pair of fucking Christian Louboutin pumps. Which cost hundreds of dollars!” She added as if I wasn’t already aware of the cost. I was still confused though.

“So? What’s the big deal? I could buy you a dozen pairs of them” I shrugged, not caring at the moment about how cocky and smug that sounded. “I don’t understand why you’re getting mad.”

Her jaw went slack and she looked at me as if I were the one being ridiculous here. “You really don’t understand?”

“No I don’t. So please enlighten me.” My arms crossed across my chest as I waited for her response.

“Brian seriously? What in the world made you think you should spend that much money on me? You bought me an expensive ass pair of shoes while all you got for the girls was a fucking gift card to Sephora. And all I got you was a stupid pair of aviators and a watch for Christ sake!”

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