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Brian’s POV-

“I am soooo stuffed. I think my stomach is about to explode!” Jimmy cried out dramatically and all but threw himself onto his girlfriend who caught him with a small giggle.

“I told you not to eat all those ribs.”

“I couldn’t resist.” He pouted.

Julia was quick to baby him, just like she always did. But I could tell that his antics always amused her. It was good that she found him entertaining and could handle his crazy ass. Otherwise she probably would have left him a long time ago.

After our check was paid for, I got up from our booth, leading the way to the door to exit the restaurant that we had just had lunch at. But before I could reach the door, I noticed a familiar brunette sitting by herself. She looked up and noticed me just as I noticed her.


“Cassidy!” Jimmy bellowed, apparently forgetting about his stomach pains as he noticed her. “How long have you been sitting here?”

“Not too long.” She shrugged as she stood from her seat to give the three of us hugs.

“You could have joined us for lunch.” Julia pouted as the two girls broke apart.

“Unless you’re on a date?” Jimmy speculated wiggling his eyebrows.

It was then that I realized that she had been seated at a table for two. My eye brows rose at the sight of a man’s jacket hanging on the back of the seat across from her. I had never seen her anywhere without her girlfriends.

“Who’s the lucky dude?” I asked trying not to sound jealous.

“That would be me.” An unfamiliar, gruff voice came from behind us before Cassidy had a chance to answer. As I turned to face the mystery guy, a wave of relief washed over me as I noticed that this dude looked way too old for her to date… Unless she had some secret about actually being into older guys. But I highly doubted that that was the case.

“Guys, this is my dad.” Cassidy introduced him, wrapping her arms around his left one.

“And who are these gentleman and young lady?” He asked.

I offered my hand to him first, which he respectfully shook. “Brian. “

“Nice to meet you Brian. I’m Richard. And you two?”

Jimmy and Julia introduced themselves, both of them shaking the hand of Cassidy’s dad.

“And you three are Cassidy’s friends?” He asked. We all nodded our heads. “Where did you guys meet?”

“Some bar.” Cassidy answered with a shrug of her shoulders.

Richard shook his head at that, letting out a sigh but the small smile on his face told us that he wasn’t serious. “Do you ever stop partying?”

“Hey I get it from you.” She held her hands up defensively, earning a look from her father. “Yeah, that’s right. Mom has told me all about your stories from back in the day.” She said, making him laugh.

“Well we should probably let you two enjoy your lunch now.” Julia said, not wanting to spend too much of their father-daughter time.

“By the way, we’re all hanging out at Matt’s house later if you want to come?” I asked.

Cassidy agreed and said she’d be there before we said our goodbyes and left the two of them alone.

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