3. How About That Movie?

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Brian's POV-

It's been a week since any of us have last hung out with the girls. Cassidy and I have been texting quite a lot though. However I still haven't gotten her to agree to go on a date with me. She's got to be the most difficult girl I've ever dealt with but that only made me more determined to get her to say yes to me. 

Speaking of Cassidy and the girls though, we were currently waiting for them to arrive at the this club we all agreed to meet up at. They should be arriving any minute now. This whole thing was Matt's idea, I could only assume that it was because he was hoping to bang Marissa again (not that I could blame him, she is pretty hot) but from what I can tell from Cassidy, Marissa might not even be interested in seeing him again. Not to sound cocky or anything but one thing us guys are not used to-well besides for short shit maybe- is rejection.

I noticed that Rebecca wasn't here with us which is kind of strange. She usually tags along whenever we go out to places like this. In other words whenever we go out anywhere that has a wide selection of girls that Zack could check out and/or possibly cheat on her with. He didn't seem to be in the greatest of moods though so we could only assume that they got into a fight before he came here so no one bothered to ask him where Rebecca was.

"The party has arrived!"

I heard the familiar voice of the wild girl practically singing as the group of girls made their way over to our table.

"Sweetheart the party's been here since I walked in." Jimmy stood up to Marissa and the rest of the girls.

"Oh you wanna take this out on the dance floor?!" Marissa said, puffing her chest out to look tough.

"Hell yeah!" Jimmy exclaimed.

"We about to stomp the yard!" Lizzy joined in.

Marissa and Jimmy led the way to the dance floor, I guess to have a dance off to see who the "party" really was. Lizzy linked arms with Julia and Haylee to follow after them. I didn't bother paying anymore attention to them though, instead my eyes searched for Cassidy.

She wore black shorts and cream colored tank top, with black pumps that added a couple of inches to her short frame. Her hair was in loose curls, falling around her shoulders and she looked somewhat tired too but happy as she made her way around the table, giving hugs until she reached me.

"Hey you." I smiled as we shared a short hug. "Long time no see huh?"

"Oh yeah definitely." she chuckled, before plopping down in my seat. I knew she saw me sitting there but just wanted to a brat. It was obvious in the way that she smiled but I didn't say anything and just grabbed the seat next to her.

"You look nice." I told her.

"Thank you. I just got off of work though so I didn't have time to go home and freshen up."

Which would explain why she looked tired. "You look fine, don't worry about it. You wanna go get a drink?"

She nodded her head and stood up after me. I led the way to the bar and ordered us both something to drink. For the rest of the night she was back and forth between the dance floor with the girls, and hanging out with me and the guys. I'm not really much of a dancer and neither are the other guys besides for Jimmy and Johnny when they're drinking. But the girls pleaded and pouted for us to dance to just one song which actually turned out to be about three. But it was a fun time.

Cassidy's POV-

"Pass me that when you're done?" I panted.

Haylee took a few gulps from the fairly large water bottle and then handed it to me. I eagerly gulped the cold liquid down, before handing it back to her. Running wasn't something that we did regularly but she and I were bored while Erica, Lizzy, and Marissa were at work. There wasn't really much for us to do and the weather was great so why not go for a jog?

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