12. Slumber Party

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This chapter's kind of just a filler, the next will be a tad dramatic though ;p

Cassidy’s POV-

 “Come on girls! We’re gonna be late!” I shouted up the stairs. Why did my friends have to be such slow movers?

 Marissa finally appeared at the top of the stairs, bag and blanket in her arms as she rolled her eyes. “Calm your tits woman, it’s not like the parties going anywhere. It’s a slumber party.

“Yeah well we’re the ones bringing the ice cream to the slumber party. Ice cream melts in case you didn’t know.” I spoke to her in the same tone she spoke to me in, holding up the bag of ice cream to her face.

Again, she rolled her eyes, childishly mimicking me as she walked past me, heading for the door. Haylee met my gaze, chuckling and shaking her head before following Marissa.

“You too are seriously bitching already?” Lizzy finally came bounding down the stairs, looking awfully chipper and a little too dolled up for just a sleep over. I decided not to question it though.

Erica who was waiting outside, honked her cars horn impatiently. We all filed out, me being the last one out the door made sure to lock up first and then piled into Erica’s car.

Earlier this week Julia had sent out a group text message saying that she wanted to have a girls night so we all agreed that a sleep over would be perfect.

We were of course the last ones to arrive, but Marissa did have a point, it’s not like the party would be going anywhere. Before we could even reach the top steps leading to the house, the door flew open and we were greeted by Julia.

“Yay you guys made it!” She grinned widely, giving each of us hugs as we entered the house one by one.

Entering the kitchen, we found Rebecca and a girl that we hadn’t met before. The wine was already flowing along with music as both of them laughed at something before they noticed us.

“Hey! Glad you could make it.” Rebecca jumped up to great us, taking the ice cream from me and placing it in the freezer.

“Like we would miss out on a get together that involves alcohol, junk food, and chick flicks.” Marissa snorted. Those were some of her favorite things.

“Ladies, this is my sister Amanda.” Julia placed her hand on the mystery girl’s shoulders who smiled warmly and waved.

We all introduced ourselves as Amanda began pouring us glasses of wine. Just as Julia was showing us a stack of movies that she had in mind to watch tonight, a door that I was assuming lead to the basement flew open and Jimmy was the first to walk through, followed by the rest of the Avenged guys.

“Hey I thought this was a girl’s only party.” Haylee sneered but a smile crept on her face as soon as Matt walked up to her, wrapping his bulky arms around her waist and pecked her lips.

He had officially asked her to be his girlfriend after the Aftershock festival. She of course said yes and had practically been over the moon ever since. I was really happy for her though, it had been a while since I’d last seen her like this.

“It is,” Zacky answered, “we were just dropping Johnny off.” He teased making everyone laugh.

“Yeah ‘cause I’m the surprise stripper.” Johnny replied with a wink, casually draping an arm across Amanda’s shoulders. “If you need me for your bachelorette party let me know.” He added with a sly grin directed towards Erica who chuckled and nodded.

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