14. Jealous

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Sorry for the bit of a wait. I've had the next few chapters written already and planned to have this chapter up a while ago but I've been kind of busy with school work and then babysitting all weekend and then yesterday I was just being a lazy prick. But anyways, here's the next chapter. It's mostly just a filler but I hope you guys like it and let me know what you think. I think might post the next chapter later tonight because why not :p

Cassidy’s POV-

Alright buddy." I slowed to a stop. Charlie looked up at me panting, probably wondering what was going on. "It's break time."  We had already ran about two miles in this killer hot weather. I didn't want him to get over heated. But going for runs was becoming a regular thing for us. We could both use the exercise.

It had been a little over two weeks since my father passed away. The day after the funeral, I went over to his house to clean it out, with the help of my mother, so it could go up for sale. The day after that I finally went home so that Brian could go back to his normal routine, along with myself.

Charlie had been in Lisa’s care since my father’s death but managed to get a hold of me and asked if I wanted him. I figured if I couldn’t give my dad what he’d always wanted since I was out of school, taking care of his beloved dog was the least I could do.

"You thirsty buddy?" I asked him. He sat on his butt, still panting and taking a look at our surroundings. I shrugged my bag off my shoulders, pulling out the two water bottles that I brought. One for my four legged friend. One for me.

I had his attention now that I was crouched in front of him, twisting the cap off of his water. I held the bottle up not too far from his face and began pouring some of the contents out as his tongue lapped at the water. Most of it ended up on the ground but I figured something would be better than nothing for him.

"Nice dog you got there."

The unfamiliar voice tore me from my thoughts. I looked up, finding a considerably attractive guy approaching. He was kind of tall, maybe around six foot like Brian was. His body was somewhat built like Brian's too accept not as husky and he didn't have any tattoos or piercings.

He was slightly out of breath, most likely from doing the same thing me and Charlie were just doing. His dark blue tank top and forehead were soaked in sweat.

"Thanks. His names Charlie." I told him, standing up now.

"Nice. I'm Chris." He stretched his hand out towards me. I shook it, introducing myself. "So do you two come around here often?" Chris asked, glancing down at Charlie and then back to me.

"Not really... Well I guess more often now. I just got him not too long ago."

"Oh, did you adopt him?"

"No...Well kinda yeah. He was my dad's dog but my dad passed away recently so..." I explained.

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that. He's a beautiful dog though." He said, once again glancing down at Charlie whom was now laying on his belly, relaxing and trying to cool off.

"Yeah, he's a sweetheart too."

We both looked up from Charlie at the same time, meeting each other's gazes for a split second before Chris' eyes caught something behind me.

Out of curiosity I turned around and was somewhat shocked to find Brian walking up behind me. He looked like he was just jogging as well.

"Hey." His cheerfulness seemed forced as he glanced back and forth between Chris and I. "Who's your new friend?"

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