10. Last Nights Activites

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Yay another chapter:) And I surprisingly already have the next chapter written, not sure when I'll post it though. Hope you guys are enjoying this, comment and let me know what you think:)


Brian’s POV-

 Waking up I immediately regretted drinking so much last night. But I only had myself to blame… Or maybe I could blame Jimmy since he was the one who was always egging someone on to keep partying… Or I could blame Cassidy considering she kept making me take shots with her. The girl could drink, I’ll give her that.

Once my body had fully awaken, I became more aware of my surroundings. The bright light shining through window. “That definitely has to fucking go” I thought to myself. The warmth of someone else’s naked body practically sprawled across mine which really caused me to wake up now.

Opening my eyes and peeking down at my chest, I came face to face with a mane of long dark brown hair. There was a fairly tanned arm thrown across me and I could feel two thin legs tangled with mine. And then suddenly flashes of what happened last night hit me.

I sighed, letting my head lean back against my pillow. It was just Cassidy. All those shots had somehow turned to us flirting, and flirting lead to heavy petting and a few make out sessions, and all of that lead to her ending up in the bed of my hotel room by the end of the night.

After laying there for a few more moments, I finally convinced myself that it would be a good idea to get up and go to the bathroom now since I had to piss like a racehorse. I carefully slid away from Cassidy and out of the bed, pausing when she fidgeted but let out of a sigh of relief when her movement stopped and she nuzzled her face into the pillows, getting comfy again.

I quickly did my business, washed my hands and then went back out the room, and slipped on a fresh pair of boxers before going back over to the bed. I tried laying down as carefully as possibly, without disturbing Cassidy but that didn’t work out as planned.

Her eyes began to flutter as she felt the bed dipping beside her. She rolled onto her back, stretching her entire body out. I had to force myself to look away as the blanket only covered the bottom half of her body, her upper half was left completely bare and naked. She let out a sigh as her body relaxed again and she pulled the blanket up to cover herself thankfully.

“Good morning.”  I couldn’t help but chuckle at her slightly confused face as she finally opened her eyes all the way and looked at me. She then shut her eyes again and buried her face into the pillows mumbling a good morning. “Did you sleep well?” I asked.

She shrugged her shoulders, grumbling something that was completely uncomprehendable since her face was still in the pillows.

“I can see you’re quite the morning person huh?” I teased.

She rolled back onto her back, holding the blanket to her body with a whine. “Everything feels sore.”

“Well we had quite a busy night sweetheart.” I winked. She rolled her eyes but I could see the smile tugging at her lips that she tried to hide.

“I should probably get going.” She announced and began climbing out of the bed.

“Seriously?” I asked causing her to stop and look at me with a questioning look. “Why?” I asked trying not to sound hurt.

I could tell she felt bad by the way her face dropped and she shrugged her shoulders. She didn’t say anything as she got up and began grabbing her clothes from last night that were scattered on the floor and got dressed.

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