Chapter 3

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The drive to their dorm was actually quicker than I would have thought. They didn't live far from the hotel that I was staying in. I guess that is why YG entertainment chose that hotel for me to stay in. The hardest part of this whole situation. Parking. Parking this big van was not easy, it definitely didn't help that fans and paparazzi knew where the ladies live and were swarming the area. I don't know how they knew where these ladies live but it's a huge pain in my butt. All the fans and paparazzi were just getting in my way. It was definitely difficult because I had to actually park and get out of the van to grab the girls to make sure they were going to be safe. I couldn't just let them walk up to the van. I was finally able to park the van and step out. I met up with the other body guards and told them what was going to happen. I told them that I would never be in the front of the group and that I would handle things in the back. Everyone seemed to understand what I was saying even if most of them seem to only speak Korean. The ones who did speak English was able to translate everything I said to the rest of the group and that made me content with the situation.

I am sure most of these guys were probably thinking why were we taking orders from a woman because from some of the looks on their faces when I walked up. It didn't bother me tho, it's definitely going to be something that we all get used to. After I was able to talk to the bodyguards I went into the building and met with some of Blackpink's managers. They all seem to know who I was and I was taken a bit back.

"Ah finally! She is here." One of them turned around and looked at me when I entered the building. "Hi Y/N, I'm Jane. I'm Rose's manager/assistant." She reached her hand out to shake mines. I did the same and reached my hand out and connected it to hers.

"Hello. Jane. It's going to take me a little time to remember everyone's name." I responded with a small head nod and letting go of her hand. She quickly took out her phone and seemed like she was busy so I looked to the lady next to her.

"Hi, I'm Alison." She also reached out for a handshake. "I'm Jennie's manager/assistant. There are two more but you will meet them once we get to the airport." I shook her hand and nodded my head.

"Hello, where are the members at? Are they all ready to go?" I looked around noticing that none of them were around or in the lobby of the building.

"They are on their way down. I am sure that Jane just texted Rose to let them all know to come down." Alison responded to my question.

"Perfect." I replied back quickly and clasp my hands behind my back turning around to look around the lobby. Seems like a very casual apartment lobby setting for a Kpop group. They have a security at the door and a receptionist sitting at the desk but it's still a very simple building. I heard the elevator ding and walked out all 4 members with luggage in their hands. The two managers who were there quickly rushed over and grabbed some of the bags out of their hands. They started speaking in Korean so I just stood there looking back at all of them.

"Hello." Lisa said walking towards me with some of her luggage and a smile on her face.

"Hello Lisa." I responded with a small head nod. "Please do not go near the doors. I want to get the car packed before you ladies step out." I said with my arm blocking her way because I could tell she was looking past me to head to the doors. She complied and stopped in her tracks. The rest of the members said their "Hellos" except for Rose. She just looked at me with sad eyes and then looked at the floor. Her eyes were puffy and her cheeks were tinted a little pink which could only mean she had cried at some point. She also had those little eye bags under her eyes that were always there whenever she would cry. The fact that I still remember the small details about her to know that she cried is crazy to me. I guess no matter how long it has been I will still remember the little things. 

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